Kits for the World
Tackel HIV and other social issues through sports-based health education. The charities we support use sport as a development tool to help educate children None Government Orginisation Non-profit
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facebook.comKits on there way to our next project
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The winner of the Liverpool FC shirt, thanks to WhizzKids United and all the lads and girls at Activiteitencommissie SVI And the TC SVI for help us. #K4TW #DevelopmentThroughEmpowerment
Photos from Kits for the World's post
Having fun in the Sun with our partner WhizzKids United
Timeline Photos
Marcus from WhizzKids United , feeling optimistic about the weather in Holland hence the sunglasses. Marcus has been staying in Wales recently, where the sun always shines and never it never rains
WhizzKids United NNZ the packaging network Raising awareness and support for Development through Empowerment v.v. SVI
Photos from Kits for the World's post
Nice donation of equipment...footballs and football boots from are partners. Dutch translation. Mooie donatie van voetbal kleding, tassen, training materiaal etc. NNZ the packaging network VV Beekbergen SITA UK (official) #OneKitCanChangeALife #K4TW
Timeline Photos
Onderweg naar een van onze voetbal clubs voor een grote donatie voetbal kleding. English translation: On our way to pick up a large kit donation from one of partners ....more info later. #OneKitCanChangeALife #K4TW
Birmingham Communities League
CSV'28 CSV28 voetbal kits worden gebruikt in het Start Again Project in Engeland Start Again Project
Birmingham Communities League
@ZAC (Zwolsche Athletische Club) ZAC voetbal kits voetbalschoenen worden gebruikt in het Start Again Project in Engeland Start Again Project
Photos from Kits for the World's post
Our next delivery is in the final stages of the picking and packing phase. More info about this project will be posted soon NNZ the packaging network Sport-inn Zwolle #OneKitCanChangeALife #DevelopmentThroughFootball #K4TW
Charlize Theron
RTV Oost