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Monument of Tolerance

Roggelseweg 58, Haelen, Netherlands
History Museum



On this page we will keep you informed about the Monument of Tolerance and the annual International Memorial Service.  Monument of Tolerance in Haelen, The Netherlands.

The monument,

Every year on the Thursday closest to November 17th (liberation day of the Leudal area) the International Commemoration at the Monument of Tolerance in the Leudal (Haelen-Limburg) takes place.

The Monument of Tolerance, which was unveiled on March 8th 2001, remembers the battle which took place in and above the Leudal area, during which more then 687 military of 11 nationalities lost their lives in the service of their Fatherland and far away from home.This we cannot and may not forget and
by organizing an annual commemorative service we can keep reminding the next generations that many have given their lives for our freedom. As a sign of true tolerance Allied as well as German and Austrian victims are remembered together. Therefore the highlight of the commemoration every year is the joint laying of a wreath by a German, an English and a Dutch

But it does not stop here. This propagating of tolerance is very much brought under the attention of the young generation by offering a series of lessons about tolerance to schools for further education (secondary modern and grammar schools) in the Leudal. In these lessons the pupils discover the value of tolerance in a very independent way. Thus the significance of the monument and especially of the commemorative service reaches far beyond the present and in this way has its influence on the future. What is more important in this day and age than propagating the fact that tolerance is important and especially very well possible. In this way history really becomes the tutor of life!

Among others the commemorative service is attended by veterans from the Netherlands and abroad and also by various national and international dignitaries. Every year the list of dignitaries grows more impressive and the committee receives ever more reactions how important others think this commemoration is.

As Sir Winston Churchill once said: A nation that forgets its past has no future.



Our great friend Mr. Geoffrey Litherland, a D-Day veteran, received the Legion d'Honneur this week. The Legion d'Honnour is France’s highest order of merit for military and civil merits. We congratulate Geoffrey and his son Paul with this well deserved award and hope to welcome both for many more years at our memorial service in November.

Het monument heeft een flinke onderhoudsbeurt gehad. De maaskeien zijn opnieuw vastgezet en ook de letters zijn weer mooi fris en leesbaar gemaakt!

Vandaag was ons Monument te zien tijdens het programma Bed & Breakfast van Omroep MAX

Lest we forget!

WAT IS ER TOCH AAN DE HAND?! Het is bijna niet te geloven maar alweer is een bordje ontvreemd van de fietsroute Leudal crashsites. Dit keer bord 14 nabij boerderij Hagerhof in Grathem ter herinnering aan de bemanning van Halifax LW498 van 51 sq. RAF. Het is onbegrijpelijk! WHAT IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE?! Again one of the plagues from the bike tour along crashsites in Leudal has vanished. Is someone collecting them or what? This time nr. 14 near farmhouse Hagerhof in Grathem in remembrance of the crew of Halifax LW498 from 51 sq. RAF. It is absolutely unbelievable!

Stichting herdenkingsmonument Militairen wenst alle deelnemers aan de Freedom Ride, en in het bijzonder de Wounded Warriors en alle veteranen een onvergetelijke dag!!

as. vrijdag 5 mei 2017 vindt de Freedom Ride kidstour plaats. In drie groepen zullen de kinderen langs de onderstaande plekken fietsen: Aldenghoor/Vogelmolen - Start 11.00 uur -BS Leerlingst -Anne Frank boom -Caulitenstraat Nunhem - Lancaster crash -St Elisabethshof - Monument van verdraagzaamheid -Roggel Op de bos - Monument Mennen-Muis -Gemeentehuis - gedenksteen veteranen -Speckerweg - Spikkehoeve Kasteellaan Aldenghoor- Finishboog Komt u hen ook aanmoedigen?!
