Zemic Europe
Zemic Europe B.V. ZEMIC possess highly advanced equipment and one of the biggest strain gage and load cell production lines. Our newly opened second production facility in China, with more than 63,000 square meters, enables us to now produce 30 million strain gages, over 1 million industrial and commercial load cells and over 5 million miniature sensors annually. This strengthens our status as being “the biggest strain gage and load cell industrial park in China”.
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facebook.com1st day Interlift 2017, visit us in hall P, stand 126 and see our new weighing systems! Corne van Gool and Maarten Kleemans are looking forward to your visit! #elevatorweighingsystems #weighing #forcesensors
2nd day Powtech 2017, visit us in hall 4 stand 109 and have a look! #forcesensors #weighing
Today 1st day of the Powtech Exhibition. Visit our stand: hall 4-109! #forcemeasurement #loadcells #siloweighing #powtech
Zemic Europe attends Powtech 2017. You can find us in Hall 4, Stand 4-109. https://www.zemiceurope.com/blogs/zemic-europe-attends-powtech-2017.html
Happy 50th Birthday to our colleague Alexander Party @ Zemic Europe today
Sensor+Test one day left, last chance to visit our stand hall 1 - 426. We are looking forward to your visit! #forcemeasurement #forcesensors #weighttransmitters
Have a look at our booth!
Second day #sensorplustest, hall1 stand 426. #forcemeasurement #weighing #forcesensors #straingages
Today day 1 of the Sensor+Test exhibition in Nürnberg. Visit us in hall 1 stand 426. We are looking forward to your visit!
Read our latest newsletter: Zemic's new compression loadcell kit for a cost effective solution! , Design your loadpin together with Zemic Europe, Get your free entrance ticket for Sensor+Test Exhibition and see why Innovend use single point loadcells and weight transmitters for suitcase selection . http://ymlp.com/zzatIj
Wings for Life Worldrun day!