De beste communicatie bruist, prikkelt, verleidt en overtuigt. Ons ultieme ingrediënt om dat te bereiken is energie. De beste communicatie bruist, prikkelt, verleidt en overtuigt. Ons ultieme ingrediënt om dat te bereiken is energie. Megawatt is hofleverancier van de juiste dosis energie, met creativiteit als magisch startpunt. Wij gaan in iedere case tot de kern, om ‘m vervolgens keihard te raken. Of dat nu online, offline of live is.
Megawatt is meester in het kanaliseren van krachten, om de boodschap de maximale lading mee te geven. Wij geloven er heilig in dat alleen dan, de beste resultaten geboekt worden. Dat vereist van ons dat wij altijd on top of our game zijn. Super scherp, immer fit en met één been in de startblokken om iedereen een stap voor te zijn. Megawatt is jouw gedroomde energieleverancier.
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facebook.comWerken voor Vodafone en Ziggo? Kan bij ons gewoon hoor. Wij zoeken superchargers ⚡⚡die vrijdag 24 en/of zaterdag 25 november willen knallen! 👊 #bam Werktijden zijn van 12:00u tot 17:00u. Waar dan precies? Waar niet eigenlijk! We hebben acties in 25 Nederlandse steden. Kan dus niet missen dat we iets bij je in de buurt hebben. Snel bellen met 040-7820034, of mailen naar Check out de video 👇 van de vorige actie. #bijzijnismeemaken
Once again _Fieldmarketing & _Advertising joined forces to create greatness for Swinckels' From now on we organize the 'Inner Voice' dinners at High End restaurants throughout the country. The first one took place @ Restaurant de Fuik where Chef Martin Ruisaard set down to share his Inner Voice with clients, prospects and the Family Swinkels and then cooked them an unbelievable meal. We simply love it when a pan 😉 comes together. #Megawatt #Fieldmarketing X #Advertising ⚡⚡ #concept #artwork #activation #organisation
Check out this short video and be amazed. Only one day left for you to experience it yourself @ Rotterdam Central Station. #collab #HM x #Megawatt x #Mediacom x #Kinetic ⚡🙌⚡ #ERDEM #aMAZEs #HMRDAM #ERDEMxHM
The fruits of a great collab between Megawatt _Advertising x Megawatt _Fieldmarketing x Kinetic Nederland x Media-com. While our season is slowly shifting to fall, spring will be in the air @ Rotterdam Central Station this weekend. Thank you H&M for this great opportunity! ⚡🙌⚡ #ERDEM #aMAZEs #HMRDAM #ERDEMxHM
Looking for a job? Or do you know somebody who is? Megawatt FieldMarketing is hiring! We proudly supercharge brands like H&M, Vodafone, Swinckels', AD, Philips and many many more. What are you waiting for? Apply before the end of this month and join their ranks! ⚡️⚡️
A warm and energetic welcome to these fresh new faces. From upper left to bottom right: Anne van der Meer (planner _Fieldmarketing) Melanie Duncan (intern _Advertising), Susanne Broer (inter _Advertising) , Luna van Hoof (intern _Advertising), Bart Meeuwis (intern _Fieldmarketing), Nikki Mertens (intern _Fieldmarketing) #FreshSquad #WarmWelcome #Megawatt #Advertising #Fieldmarketing #agency #superchargeyourbrand
Yeah boi! Went all out for Havaianas the last couple of weeks. We even sneaked our branded promo bike into The Hague's grand central station. Shhhhttt...😉 For this one we succesfully partnered up with Kinetic Nederland & Mindshare ⚡⚡ #partnership #concept #campaign #fieldmarketing #agency #superchargeyourbrand
We are hiring. Can you spark our interest? Check out what we have to offer and show us what you've got. #advertising #agency #superchargeyourbrand #superchargeyourself #talented #ambitious #driven #seniorprojectmanager
We are hiring. Can you spark our interest? Check out what we have to offer and show us what you've got. #advertising #agency #superchargeyourbrand #superchargeyourself #talented #ambitious #driven #projectmanager
In search of the Oscar Wilde of _Advertising. That English copywriter who masters the art of short and/or long copy and has a great slogan up his or her sleeve. Are you the one or do you know the one we’re looking for, please get in touch with our creative director via and ask for more details.
Today, exactly two years ago, marked the start of this epic journey. We get better and grow stronger each day but realise that there is room left to grow. That’s why we have promised ourselves to keep working our ass of, stay humble and appreciate the energy we get day in day out from our employees, partners, clients, friends and family. We love and thank you for that. Let there be lightening and thunder wherever we go next..#megawatt #advertising #fieldmarketing #agency #twoyearanniversary