Joint Institute for VLBI ERIC - JIVE
JIVE's primary task is to operate the data processor for the European VLBI Network (EVN). JIVE provides support to the world-wide EVN user community and also supports EVN operations. JIVE staff also carries out a range of cutting-edge research in various fields of galactic and extragalactic radio astronomy, planetary and space sciences.
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Exciting news from Africa! Ghana and South Africa have announced the first successful detection of fringes during a VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) test experiment with the European VLBI Network (EVN):
A New Clue in the Mystery of Fast Radio Bursts
More news about the repeating fast radio burst FRB121102 - involving JIVE people.
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The Annual Reports for 2016 are packed up and ready to go! For those who want a sneak preview you can also find a copy online here:
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Ann Njeri Ng'endo (University of Nairobi, Kenya) will spend the summer at JIVE, working on VLBI data of a 'water fountain' source with Gabor Orosz and Ross Burns. A 'water fountain' is a powerful jet from an evolved star that can be traced by water masers.
How massive young stars unwind | Jive
How massive young stars unwind: An international team, including Ross Burns from JIVE have demonstrated how young stars avoid spinning themselves apart as they form. For the full story see:
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Our first summer student Avni Parmar (Savitribai Phule Pune University) arrived last week. She will work with Ilse van Bemmel and Jay Blanchard on an EVN dataset of a peculiar galaxy.
Jodrell Bank on Twitter
Indeed, we had a successful fringe test yesterday at 5 GHz.
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Mateusz Olech (Univ. Torun, Poland) is visiting us this week. He is reducing an EVN dataset on methanol masers.
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JIVE folk meets Bruce McAdam at the Kerastari workshop "Labyrinth of the unexpected" in Greece. He was the PhD supervisor of Richard Schilizzi, the first director of JIVE. When generations meet...
Ghana telescope heralds first pan-African array
JIVE is contributing to developing the capacity for radio astronomy in Africa! By converting a defunct communications dish in Ghana, astronomers are breaking ground on Earth and beyond. For more information see Nature News and Comment:
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A new publication in The Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics showcases the only known radio-pulsing white dwarf! The team behind the work included Benito Marcote, Zsolt Paragi and Jay Blanchard from JIVE, and Tom Marsh and Elizabeth Stanway from the University of Warwick. For more information see:
Amsterdam Science magazine issue 5
'Fast Radio Bursts remain one of the most exciting and perplexing mysteries in modern astrophysics' - a great article in Amsterdam Science by Jason Hessels featuring work with JIVE's own Benito Marcote: