International Institute of Social History
One of the largest documentary and research centres in the field of social and economic history As work and labour relations deeply influence how we live, the mission of the International Institute of Social History (IISH) is to explore how these relations develop globally over time. In order to be able to conduct this historical research and support other researchers, we collect archives and data from all over the world. Established in 1935, the IISH is one of the world's leading research institutes on social history.
The IISH is an institute that comes under the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
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International Institute of Social History
Diamanten voor de Duitsers | 14 mei om 21.20 uur: uitzending Andere Tijden met o.a. Karin Hofmeester, senior onderzoeker bij het IISG.
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BOEK BLOG | Er staat weer een nieuw blog op de website. Dit maal de eer aan opstellenbundel 'Zimmerwald, wereldgeschiedenis van een dorp' Lees het blog hier:
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#todayinlabourhistory | Paul Panda Farnana M'Fumu worked as an agricultural officer under the colonial government in the Congo. He was in Belgium on the outbreak of the First World War and fought with a corps of volunteers against the Germans. Back in Brussels after four years as a POW, he founded with other Congolese in Belgium a Union Congolaise which protested at forced labour and ill-treatment of prisoners and called for extension of education. He co-organized the Panafrican Congres in Brussels in 1921. Paul Panda died on 12 May 1930 in Nzemba, Bas-Congo, at the age of 41.
Anton Pannekoek, outside-left forever | IISH
ANTON PANNEKOEK | The article on Anton Pannekoek is translated in English and ready to be read:
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New Senior Researcher | Please meet Dennie Oude Nijhuis: senior researcher of the Institute since the beginning of this year. Research topics: social inequalities, protection against labour market risks, development of the European Union and flexibility of the labour market.
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UTOPIAN TRAVELS | The IISH has a large Utopianism Collection. Utopianist's subjects were more than European castaways who discover a totally new society on a hitherto unknown island. Some of these are highly relevant to the present. The IISH has a large Utopianism Collection, covering writers like Thomas More (Utopia, 1516) and Bernard Le Bouyer de Fontenelle (Ajao, 1682)
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Louis van Gasteren | Vandaag bereikte ons het nieuws dat Louis van Gasteren op 93-jarige leeftijd is overleden. Van Gasteren werd beroemd als cineast, maar hij was ook promotor van kunst in bredere zin. In 1968 nam hij het initiatief tot het oprichten van de stichting Artec, die als doel had 'de relatie tussen kunst en wetenschap te stimuleren door wetenschappelijke en technologische verworvenheden dienstbaar te maken aan culturele expressievormen'; Artec adviseerde vele kunstenaars en droeg bij aan de realisering van sommige projecten. Het archief van Artec berust op het IISG en is vrij toegankelijk
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#todayinlabourhistory | Industrial Innovation! Aristide Bergès, a French paper manufacturer, had an idea to transfer the energy of the waterfall into electricity. In Lancey, near Grenoble, a hydro-electric paper mill arose, and Aristide Bergès (1833-1904) went down in history as the promoter of “white coal.” The labour movement welcomed the new source of energy, as working with hydro-energy was much cleaner and less dangerous than mining black coal.
Wat moeten historici kunnen? Debat en boekpresentatie
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CENTRALE-DIGITIZATION PROJECT COMPLETED | Started on March 1, 2012, the project was completed on February 29th, 2016. A total of 163 meters archive are now digitized. And besides that, 4.249 book titles, brochures and periodicals, as well as 3.170 items of visual materials have also been digitized. In connection to this project a number of archive inventories improved substantively, including those of Emma Goldman & Valerian N. Smirnov. (Photo: Valerian N. Smirnov. Source: BG A13/28)
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#todayinlabourhistory | On 9 May 1950, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman proposed to create a supranational community of states in Europe. The 'Schuman Declaration' led first to the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which would ultimately form the blueprint for the European Union, the European Parliament and the euro. Another predecessor of the EEC, the economic union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg (Benelux) had been in effect from 1948. A gas station owner in Amsterdam was not at all amused about these forms of economic cooperation. 'Benelux Rates Today: 7 cents up'. (Photo: Ben van Meerendonk AHF/IISG)