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Het 4e Gymnasium

Stavangerweg 902, Amsterdam, Netherlands



Het 4e Gymnasium is a Public Gymnasium in the Netherlands founded in 2005. Since october 2008 the school is located in the "Houthaven" area in Amsterdam. The school is well known for its unusual subjects Film and Astronomy, respectively presented as Audiovisueel and Sterrenkunde.OriginationUntil 2005, three catigorial gymnasia existed in Amsterdam. For years, the amount of registrations for these schools had been higher than the amount of available spots. The school was established by the three gymnasia in order to retain enough spots for eager students. A fair amount of staff from these three schools also went working at the newly set-up gymnasium. In the future the 4th Gymnasium will still move once final building in the Houthaven: a few tens of meters to the South West from its current location. This final building is meant for approximately 800 students.ArchitectureThe responsible architects for the school building are the Dutch practice HVDN architecten. The design is characterized by its modular structure, which allows the school to be disassambled and moved to another location. The building is intended to serve as a temporary solution for 5 - 10 years, until the permanent school is constructed.


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