Transnational Institute, TNI
An international research and advocacy institute committed to building a just, democratic and sustainable planet. TNI works on a wide range of interlinking issues. The constant interaction between fellows and projects gives TNI a unique, broad and informed perspective and enables a cross-disciplinary approach to complex global problems.
TNI's work currently includes:
* Leadership as a respected global voice on drugs policy, promoting a pragmatic approach to tackling illegal drugs based on harm reduction principles.
* Supporting a dynamic international network involved in building participatory, public services challenging the tendency towards privatisation which has often been disastrous particularly for the poor
* Confronting the dogma of trade liberalisation, which like financial liberalisation has led to increased inequality, and supporting the building of regional alternatives, such as the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas, based on regional cooperation and solidarity
* Analysing and exposing the democratic dangers posed by the concentration of corporate power and proposing new legal frameworks of accountability for transnational corporations.
* Engaging with democratic innovations and experiments undertaken by social movements, progressive political parties and governments worldwide helping to empower communities to gain control over their lives and environment
* Drawing together and analysing the links between the different elements of the systemic crisis —financial, environmental and social.
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