IWKA Kung Fu Amsterdam HQ
Relief stress, boost up your self confidence, improve your work and school results. http://www.kungfuamsterdam.nl IWKA Kung Fu Amsterdam HQ
It's all about Time Space Energy
Feel free to post IWKA or Kung Fu related questions, articles etc. on this page. For any questions about this page contact balie@wingtjun.nl. Have fun and enjoy!
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facebook.comOn behalf of the IWKA team, we would like to wish all mothers a very happy Mother's Day! May you all be spoiled by your loved ones!
Sifu Sergio Seminar 2017
Don't forget to sign up before the 30th June for the 2017 edition of Sifu's Seminar!
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It is a depressing but true fact that a lot of women feel afraid when walking the streets alone at night - all you have to do is ask around to realise just how many of them are fed-up with walking home clutching their keys between their fingers. Of course, two men can be extremely unequally matched when it comes to strength and size, but the sad truth is that the majority of women can put up little fight against the majority of men purely because of our biological make-up. And that’s a scary thought. Progress certainly needs to be made to reduce attacks - be they sexual assault or robbery - but as that doesn’t look likely any time soon, learning self-defence is a wise move for women of all ages. Let us boost your confidence and teach you some effective self defense skills at our women's seminar at the end of this month!
Photos from IWKA Kung Fu Amsterdam HQ's post
Last night's Leadership 1 class!
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Tonight's leadership 1 training with these tough guys! Good energy! On behalf of the IWKA Team we would like to wish you all a fantastic King's night/day!
Our recent IWKA family day event was a success! IWKA would like to thank the parents for participating!
Photos from IWKA Kung Fu Amsterdam HQ's post
Last night's leadership 1 class was topnotch! Thumbs up to this bunch who demonstrated respect, discipline and focus at a high level!
These leadership kids, playing like two tiger cubs
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"Respect the training. Honor the commitment. Cherish the results."
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On behalf of the IWKA Amsterdam team, we wish everyone a happy Easter!
A glimpse of this morning's training with the junior class.
IWKA Kung Fu Amsterdam HQ's cover photo