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Gurugú|Gourougou|Gurgu ⴰⴹⵔⴰⵔ ⵏ ⴳⵓⵔⴳⵓ ڭوروڭو

Gurgu mountain, Aït Nsar, Beni Ensar, Morocco



Gurgu is a mountain, an extinct volcano, the mountain which is the highest point of the peninsula of Cape Three Forks, on the north coast of Rif Gurguí is a mountain, an extinct volcano, the mountain which is the highest point of the peninsula of Cape Three Forks, on the north coast of Rif near Melilla. Actually there are two peaks, the Kol and the Basbel it. The mountain range is where the range of Nador. The height is 890 meters from the summit overlooking a view of Melilla and Nador Mar Chica. Living in a colony of monkeys called "Barbary apes". There are some remains of the Spanish forts and ancient Berber establishment called TAXUD linked to the old Rusadir (Melilla), which were found pottery and other objects of the first century BC.
Gurugú was the subject of heavy fighting in the campaign of 1909 between Spain and Kabyle. These battles were very unpopular and also one of the causes of the Tragic Week, July 27, 1909 culminating in the disaster of the ravine Wolf. Until 2007 this mountain hides Saharan waiting to enter Melilla.

Situé à 900 m d’altitude, à proximité de la lagune de Nador, sur une superficie de 1.800 hectares, soit 13 % de la superficie totale de l'Adrar, Gourougou, ce site d’intérêt biologique et écologique (Sibe) regorge d’énormes potentialités touristiques. De grande qualité, le paysage offre, sur tous les versants de la montagne, des formes de reliefs assez rares. Ce qui en fait un espace récréatif remarquable pour les visiteurs locaux, nationaux et étrangers. C’est aussi un capital foncier à même de générer d’importantes recettes et de créer des postes d’emploi.

Villes proches: Nador, Aït Nsar, Al Hoceima
Coordonnées :   35°12'57"N   3°1'23"W

(جبال كوروكو البركانية معروفة بغاباتها وقردتها التي تعيش فيها كما أنا كوروكو أيضا معروفة قلاعها وحصونها التاريخية (بقايا) كقلعة تازوضا و حصن باصبيل والحردو وحصن القلة وكلهم مبنيين فوق قمم الجبال وكان الغرض مراقبة الغزاة عبر البحر.)


NEAR Gurugú|Gourougou|Gurgu ⴰⴹⵔⴰⵔ ⵏ ⴳⵓⵔⴳⵓ ڭوروڭو