Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic
Dva apartmana za izdavanje na bazi vise nocenja // Two apartments for rent, multiple nights. Apartment capacity is 4 persons maximum. Two apartments for rent, multiple nights. Apartment capacity is 4 persons maximum. Fully equipped for a comfortable and peaceful vacation. Size of the apartments – 34m2.
Location – Left coast of the Ada Bojana. Ada Bojana island, 150m away from the estuary and nude beach (10 minutes on foot or 3 minutes by boat or bus).
Ideal vacation for family, friends and couples.
Apartments are located on the islands’ best place, surrounded by nature and quiet neighbourhood. Apartments have a living and dining room, with 1 bedroom and a bathroom. Both apartments have a view of the river and an exit to a big terrace, while one of them has its own terrace. Living room is eqiupped with bump bed, air – condiotion, cable TV (Total TV). Kitchen is equipped with the latest technology equipment. In the living room there is also a dining table with 4 chairs. Bedrooms have king size beds. Both bathrooms have waching machines and showers. Within the apartments is a parking lot for 8-10 vehicles. A card for a free pass to the nude beach and camp, and numerous restaurants is also secured.
Come and feel the magic of this unique and special place, a place where all of your worries are set aside. A place where the river connects with the sea and shapes the landscape in a unique way.
Great conveniences and discounts for long-term stay, using both apartments at the same time which is ideal for family friends, company, societies. The price depends on the time of the year you want to book it.
Apartments are rentable all year long .
* * *
Dva apartmana za izdavanje na bazi vise nocenja. Kapaciteti apartmana su po 4 osobe maksimum. Potpuno opremljeni za komforan i lagodan boravak.
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Mjesto iz snova :) SLOBODNI TERMINI za Novogodišnje i Božićne praznike: Apartman 2, maksimum 4 osobe :… Za sve nase goste obezbjedjen parking, WIFI,Total Tv,... Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 359 576 i 069 220 445 DOBRODOSLI !!! :)

Photos from Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic's post
Mjesto iz snova :) SLOBODNI TERMINI :) ZBOG IZNENADNOG OTKAZIVANJA POSJETE - SLOBODAN JE JEDAN APARTMAN: OD 29 AVGUSTA DO 7 SEPTEMBRA. Apartman 2, maksimum 4 osobe :… Za sve nase goste obezbjedjen parking, besplatan prolaz do nudistickog kampa/plaze/usca...,WIFI,Total Tv,... Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 368 346 067 359 576 069 220 445 DOBRODOSLI !!! :)

Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic
Mjesto iz snova :) SLOBODAN TERMIN :) Kuca: max 6 osoba Termin: 20.08 do 30.08 Za sve nase goste obezbjedjen parking, besplatan prolaz do nudistickog kampa/plaze/usca...,WIFI,Total Tv,... Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 368 346 067 359 576 069 220 445 DOBRODOSLI !!!

Photos from Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic's post
Mjesto iz snova :) SLOBODAN TERMIN :) Apartman: Max broj osoba- 4 Termin: 19.08 do 23.08 Za sve nase goste obezbjedjen parking, besplatan prolaz do nudistickog kampa/plaze/usca...,WIFI,Total Tv,... Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 368 346 067 359 576 069 220 445 DOBRODOSLI !!!

Photos from Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic's post
Mjesto iz snova :) SLOBODNI TERMINI :) Kuca, maksimum 6 osoba: 26.07 do 31.07 10.08 do 14.08 20.08 do ... Apartman 2, maksimum 4 osobe : 19.08 do 23.08 A od mjeseca septebra, cijena nocenja i do 50% jeftinija nego u sezoni !!! :) Za sve nase goste obezbjedjen parking, besplatan prolaz do nudistickog kampa/plaze/usca...,WIFI,Total Tv,... Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 368 346 067 359 576 069 220 445 DOBRODOSLI !!! :)

Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic
:D SLOBODNI TERMINI :D Kuca, maksimum 6 osoba: 26.07 do 31.07 10.08 do 14.08 20.08 do ... Apartman 2,maksimum 4 osobe : 19.08 do 23.08 A od mjeseca septebra,cijena nocenja i do 50% jeftinija nego u sezoni !!! :D Za sve nase goste obezbjedjen parking,besplatan prolaz do nudistickog kampa/plaze/usca...,WIFI,Total Tv,... Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 368 346 067 359 576 069 220 445 DOBRODOSLI !!! :D

Antena M portal - Čitaoci šalju: Ljepote Ade Bojane!
Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic
Imamo slobodan apartman, od danas do 25. Jula. Rezervacije u inbox ili na +38267368346 :)

Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic
Zbog otkazane rezervacije,slobodan jedan apartman (max 4 osobe) od nedelje 10.07 do 25.07. Za sve informacije oko rezervisanja, mozete nam se javiti na brojeve telefona: 067 368 346 i 067 359 576 DOBRODOSLI !!!

Photos from Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic's post
ADA BOJANA, Famous natural NUDIST BEACH in Montenegro, Mediterranean Sea: Two apartments for rent, multiple nights. Apartment capacity is 4 persons maximum. Fully equipped for a comfortable and peaceful vacation. Size of the apartments – 34m2. Location – Left coast of the Ada Bojana, city of Ulcinj, Montenegro. Ada Bojana island, 150m away from the estuary and nude beach (10 minutes on foot or 3 minutes by boat or bus). Ideal vacation for family, friends and couples. Apartments are located on the islands’ best place, surrounded by nature and quiet neighbourhood. Apartments have a living and dining room, with 1 bedroom and a bathroom. Both apartments have a view of the river and an exit to a big terrace, while one of them has its own terrace. Living room is eqiupped with bump bed, air – condiotion, cable TV (Total TV)and FREE WIFI. Kitchen is equipped with the latest technology equipment. In the living room there is also a dining table with 4 chairs. Bedrooms have king size beds. Both bathrooms have waching machines and showers. Within the apartments is a parking lot for 8-10 vehicles. A card for a free pass to the nude beach and camp, and numerous restaurants is also secured. Come and feel the magic of this unique and special place, a place where all of your worries are set aside. A place where the river connects with the sea and shapes the landscape in a unique way. Great conveniences and discounts for long-term stay, using both apartments at the same time which is ideal for family friends, company, societies. The price depends on the time of the year you want to book it. Apartments are rentable all year long

Photos from Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic's post
Ovo rajsko ostrvo i ovi lijepi apartmani - cekaju na vas :) DOBRODOSLI :) ADA BOJANA,Poznata natural nudisticka plaza u Crnoj Gori,Jadranskom moru: Na raspolaganju su vam dva apartmana (34m2) u kojima komotno mogu boraviti po 4 osobe,kao i kuca (50m2) u kojoj moze boraviti 6 osoba,kompletno opremljeni za UDOBNO i MIRNO ljetovanje. LOKACIJA- Lijeva strana Ade Bojane,grad Ulcinj,Crna Gora,Ada Bojana ostrvo,150 m od usca i nudisticke plaze (10 minuta setnje,3 minuta brodom ili kolima) IDEALNI za odmor familija,prijatelja ili parova! Apartmani se nalaze na ostrvu,okruzeni prirodom i mirnim komsilukom. Oba Apartmana imaju dnevnu sobu sa trpezarijom i kompletno opremljenom kuhinjom,spavacu sobu sa francuskim krevetom,kupatilom i terasom sa koje mozete dirktnono uskociti u rijeku Bojanu.Oba apartmana imaju pogled iz dnevne sobe na rijeku Bojanu. Kuca ima dvije spavace sobe,dnevni boravak,kupatilo i kuhinju,takodje posjeduje dvije terase,jednu odmah ispred i drugu na rijeci Bojani. Oba aprtmana kao i kuca,imaju BESPLATAN WIFI internet,Total Tv,klimu,lezaljke... Svi nasi gosti dobijaju svoje parking mjesto. TAKODJE,SVI NASI GOSTI NE MORAJU PLACATI ULAZNICU ZA NUDISTICKU PLAZU JER SMO VAM I OVE GODINE OBEZBIJEDILI SEZONSKU PROPUSNICU!! DODJITE i osjetite magiju ovog unikatnog i specijalnog mjesta,gdje sve brige i nervoze prestaju da postoje.Mjesto na kojem rijeka se stapa sa morem i kreiraju magicni pejzaz.

Ada Bojana - Apartmani Vukcevic
Slobodan apartman za vikend!


Nouuuu, ligenštul are u okk ??!

Hej, haj, brigade :)

Pogled iz dnevneee #adabojana

Znam da je ljeto kad su Ligenštuuuli na terasi #adabojana #sunset

Koča moreplivac
