Motel Mece
"Motel Mece" se nalazi u ul.industrijskoj bb u Bijelo Polje, vrsi motelske usluge po cijeni od 5.00Eura DO 20.00Eura radimo 00-24h, posjedujemo licni parking kapaciteta 100 vozila, tu je i market koji takodje radi 00-24h
"Motel Mece" ist in ul.industrijskoj bb in Bijelo Polje, tragen ein Motel zu einem Preis von 5,00 bis 20,00 arbeitet 00-24h, persönliche Parkplätze für 100 Fahrzeuge, gibt es auch einen Markt, der 00-24h arbeitet
"Motel Mece" is in ul.industrijskoj bb in Bijelo Polje, carry a motel at a price of 5.00 to 20.00 working 00-24h, have personal parking for 100 vehicles, there is also a market that works 00-24h
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