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Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA

Duerefstrooss 11, Munshausen, Luxembourg
Non-profit organization



CEBA a.s.b.l.
Cercle d'Études sur la Bataille des Ardennes
Study Group on the Battle of the Bulge

Non-profit-making organization
Head office:
11, Duerefstrooss
L-9766, Munshausen


Journées des Musées am MNHM

Journées des Musées am MNHM

Timeline Photos

"You gotta keep the boys busy!!!" The war has been over for only two days and already the army is back to business as usual and it's old tricks. Layout and inspection! Artillerymen of Service Battery 696th Armored. F.A. Bn. a non-divisional unit, at that time on attachment to the 2nd Armd. Div., are preparing themselves for an inspection of their trucks and equipment. The picture was taken in Pömmelte, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 10th May 1945.

Timeline Photos

WW2 Colourised Photos

War is over ...

WW2 Colourised Photos

Timeline Photos

German P.O.W.'s are marched to a holding pen under the guard of two GI's in a Jeep. The photo was taken in Serrig, Germany, we don't have the exact date but it must have been around mid March, during the clearing of the Saar-Palatinate Triangle.

Timeline Photos

2d Squadron 2d Cavalry Regiment

2d Squadron 2d Cavalry Regiment

Photos from Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA's post

Packing up the latest edition of our "The Bulge Magazine". Monday our members living in Luxembourg should have the new edition in their mail, our members living abroad will have to wait a few more days.

Photos from Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA's post

Timeline Photos

Freides de 6 Mee um 19:00 invitéieren eis Kollegen vum Wooltzer Musée ee Virtrag vum Paul Heinrich, wou hien säin neit Buch "Die 17 Refraktäre vom Mathgeshaff" virstellt! Kommt alleguerten kucken, mir verspriechen Iech dat et derwäert ass! Dat neit Buch vum Paul Heinrich beliicht een interessante Volet vun der Geschicht vum 2te Weltkrich an däerf a kenger Bibliothéik feelen! Mir gesinn eis zu Wooltz!

Timeline Photos

Photos from Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA's post

!! HELP REQUEST !! - !! NOUS DEMANDONS VOTRE AIDE !! Does anybody recognize this village? - Est-ce que quelqu'un reconnaît il ce village? The pictures show members of an Field Artillery Battalion, equipped with 105 mm Howitzers of Patton's III Army, somewhere inn France in winter 1944. We are quite sure that it is somewhere in the Moselle river valley, just across the border from Luxembourg. If somebody recognizes the village please let us know! Thanks a lot! Les photos montrent des soldats d'un Bataillon d'Artillerie de Campagne de la IIIème Armée du Général Patton, en hiver 1944. Nous sommes convaincus qu'ils ont été prises dans un petit village dans la vallée de la Moselle, très proche de la frontière franco-luxembourgeoise. Si quelqu'un reconnaît ce village, veuillez nous contacter! Merci bien!

Photos from Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA's post

D'Preise së rëm zréck - Alamo zu Cliärref

D'Preise së rëm zréck - Alamo zu Cliärref

Photos from Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA's post

Lex, Laurent, Eric & Yves, our four guys in charge of the Battle of the Bulge Museum in Clervaux, have been burning the midnight oil lately! One night a week they meet inside the old castle walls to build a new diorama! We're not going to give you any hints about what it will show, you will have to be patient for a few more weeks until it is is completed.

Photos from Circle of Studies on the Battle of the Bulge - CEBA's post

D'Preise së rëm zréck - Alamo zu Cliärref

D'Preise së rëm zréck - Alamo zu Cliärref

Mirabelle TV

French TV Mirabelle is reporting from Clervaux's Battle of the Bulge Museum.
