DOCUNIFY is a web application created to ease day-to-day operations of company directors, corporate secretaries and fund administrators.
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WE RECRUIT - NOUS RECRUTONS ! WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPER - IT We are looking for an web developer (MEAN) to join the team and expand Docunify. The candidate needs to have proven skills in developing web applications using HTML5, CSS3 and AngularJS as front-end technologies, node.js and PHP as back-end technologies and MongoDB as database framework. French and English are needed. Full time job based in Luxembourg. Minimum experience of 5 years. Do not hesitate to share the info ! Contacts: Benoit Andrianne - Marc Lefebvre -
DOCUNIFY successfully deployed its first major upgrade ! Among the main changes, you have now the ability to: - Add external signatories to documents you send for signature (in addition to existing users); - Add comments before sending documents for signature. For your comfort, we include automatic suggestions like “Please sign on pages [xx]”; - Create sub-folders within each folder; - View, organize and create event directly from your dashboard. Weekly, daily and monthly views have been created; - Manage the event you created: modify or cancel an event, add new invitees, change time and schedule start and end times to each event; - Move or duplicate files from one folder to another or to your safe to make this file private; - Search for documents of a dedicated client, - Search for words inside a pdf document opened. Finally, and likely being the most important update, we have implemented a new Webviewer system for pdf documents. You have now the ability to view, annotate, comment and collaborate on a document directly onto the platform. No need for software on your local device. And once saved, your comments are available to the other users or only to you if the document is in your safe. We invite you to test all these new functionalities ! Enjoy your experience !
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#DOCUNIFY is getting ready for tomorrow's special event ! Looking forward to seeing you !
We are proud to announce the release of our application! Go on “” and D-SCOVER a new way of working.
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Derrière l'écran, des gens. Des vrais.
Docunify Demo
Première démo de notre application: