We're distributing smart packaging systems of your destination. Just ask for some advice or contact us with your special problem! :-) Sometimes, sustainability is known as the “triple bottom line” of profit, people, and planet. Related terminology includes “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) and “social innovation,” which involve using business as a way to advance social and environmental change.
A meaningful action in favor of sustainable development.
GPLUX in cooperation with our customer and flax board producer, has developed and designed a flax wedge nearly 100% recyclable, in order to replace polystyrene wedges used before.
The serial production was launched in 2011. In winter 2015 some 2.000.000 wedges were delivered, this corresponds approximately to 800.000 liters of petroleum. In other words 800.000 liters of petrol weren’t polluting our planet.
We are the best choice for many others, mostly leading industrial partners, whom we’re offering:
• Experience in packaging cost analysis
• Appropriate cost-savings solutions and strategies
• Reusability or recyclability of the packaging.
It is a threefold benefit: The flax wedges cost price is lower than these made from polystyrene. Also, we contributed to a clean environment by supporting green social evolution in regard to a 100% natural product line. Thanks to this product more than 60 disabled people are in order of working in a permanent job, as the production is being handled by a vocational rehabilitation center.
Our commitment is to develop our products, run our business and serving our customers in respect for Mother Nature and of course socio-cultural aspects of the society we’re serving for.
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Espace détente réalisé par GPLUX, à partir de palettes déjà utilisées.
Equipe de production renforcée pour les fêtes de fin d'année...Merci le CAT, merci les OH...
'Twas a long time ago, longer now than it seems In a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams. For the story that you are about to be told Began with the holiday worlds of old. Now, you've probably wondered: Where your products in holidays 'll come from? If you haven't, I'd say it's time you begun! Out of products and holidays are about to get started? Check our website and get part of our story. #gpluxgreentec
GPLux S. à r.l. ~ Here to protect your nature. Start with us in an ecological friendly future. Feel free to enjoy our service by visiting our website and enjoy our service this very day!
We believe in sustainability, so are we!!
Présentation d'un prototype, recyclage de palette en poubelle tri-sélectif en vue d'équiper les différents sites d'une entreprise de grande renommée internationale. Ainsi, tout le personnel est sensibilisé sur l'environnement en remplaçant le plastique par du bois REVALORISE.
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