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Marise Hyman Maternity Coaching

20 rue Jean Schaack, Helmsange, Luxembourg
Professional service



I worldwide Maternity Coaching services for expecting/new parents. Baby Planning (Peri-Natal Education/Coaching, Holistic Pregnancy & Child Sleep Coaching The path to parenthood doesn't have to be overwhelming...

I provide various personalised Maternity Coaching & Education services for future/new parents & parents-to-be all over the globe including Baby Planning (Perinatal Educator & Coach), "Happiest Baby on the Block" Education as well as Holistic Pregnancy & Child Sleep Education and Coaching

Currently, Baby Planning is on offer - setting expecting parents up for success, so they can sail into their new lives with confidence!

Soon, Maternity & Baby Sleep Coaching services will be added to my skill set.

Think of me as your personal, supportive and objective educator, coordinator, concierge and coach.

Drawing from my own personal experiences as mother of two, education by the world's most progressive and holistic institute of education for pregnancy, birth & postpartum professionals, my continuous thorough research and burning passion for all things maternity and beyond, I am on a mission to simplify your life, save you time, help you gain confidence and get sleep when you need it and most importantly help you strive towards a stress-free journey so you can blossom as a new parent!

I am also the founder of the Luxmama Club & Parent Prep asbl so if you’re in Luxembourg come and join the club!


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Take some time today to just watch your child in action. Really be there in that moment with him as he’s building or digging or playing that game. This insight might tell you something you’ve been missing on how to connect and relate. This form of noticing and really observing will guide you into which next steps are needed from your side to engage...

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“The parenting experience isn’t one of parent versus child but of parent with child…Our children contribute to our growth in ways that are perhaps more profound than we can contribute to theirs…It’s my experience that the relationship between parent and child exists for the primary purpose of the parent’s transformation and only secondarily for the raising of the child.” From Dr. Shefali Tsabary‘s book The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children.

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The body knows how to sleep :-) I love helping parents fade out things that are preventing sleep and to bring families closer. Whether you are seeking solutions or want to proactively Learn and Prepare yourself from anywhere in the world, I would love to work with you!!sleep-coaching/c1m2h #sleepcoaching #prenatalpreparation #learnhowthebodyworks

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Take some time today to just watch your child in action. Really be there in that moment with him as he’s building or digging or playing that game. This insight might tell you something you’ve been missing on how to connect and relate. This form of noticing and actually observing is going to guide you to the next steps needed from your side..

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Top 10 House Plants for Clean Indoor Air | The Healthy Home Economist

Decrease the toxic load from the environment on your body with these babies:

Midwives Rock: Confessions of an OB/GYN Physician

A great rendition by a gynecologist about how his approach to birth is different than a midwife's approach. Important for women all over the world to understand this difference as they choose their caregiver and align their expectations.

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Understanding the attachment relationship between parent and child

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For those in Luxembourg, come and chat at the Luxmama Club & ParentPrep asbl's next Bellies & Booties event - aimed at expecting and new parents! Next up 26 Aug in the park!!belliesandbooties/k76mz

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The way your body digests food changes if you eat mindfully...

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I couldn't put this one down. Literally! #prebirth #consciousbabies #healbirthhealtheearth

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The delicate dance of parent-child connection... Understanding our children's and our own physical needs AS WELL AS emotional needs is what completes the circle <3

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Dr Sarah Buckley



NEAR Marise Hyman Maternity Coaching