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20 Rue Jean Schaack, Helmsange, Luxembourg
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Baby planning and events for mamas & mamas-to-be
Join our Facebook group: Luxmama provides baby planning services to new mamas and mamas-to-be as well as exciting events for both.

A certified baby planner is a maternity consultant providing support, information, education and resources to new and expecting parents.  By evaluating each client's specific needs and providing them with personalised service, I empower my clients to make the best decisions for THEM.

I am there to help parents-to-be make an informed choice of hospital, mind, body, bonding, breastfeeding & birth preparation classes & support; pre and postnatal fitness, relaxation & pampering, maternity and newborn photography, baby massage, baby activities, choosing childcare, postnatal support and much more. I keep them organised and relaxed and they benefit from my partner discounts.

Together, we determine the exact needs for baby gear and I educate them about the do's and don'ts. I prepare a custom prepared "baby list" with guidelines of how to choose the safest products for baby which includes suggested products and price indications, as well as where to buy (either in Luxembourg, surrounds or online). A shopping coaching session at a shop of their choice prevents parents-to-be from being overwhelmed and bullied by shop assistants.

I create a tailored postnatal action plan, designed to ease the transition during the first few weeks and to help them have realistic expectations and the right support systems in place. This is followed up by postnatal support sessions and timely referrals to other professionals when hiccups arise. Social integration support into the vibrant maternity & new mom world is another splendid add-on, as a happy mummy equals a happy baby! The postnatal second phase support aims at gently getting back mama’s shape and here she can choose to make use of our partner discounts once again.

Sleeping through the night is but a benefit of a baby that learns good sleeping habits. Even from day one you can set the stage for sound sleep foundations. Prevention is better than cure, and so I educate parents-to-be before and after birth on how to gently help your baby learn the skill of sleeping.

I prepare new mamas to make informed choices when it's time for baby to explore the world of food. During my practical in-home weaning sessions we discuss all the topics where they will be faced with choices. I provide them with the practical know-how of how to cook, what to buy (and what not!) and simple solutions to prevent common pitfalls down the line...the things I wanted someone to tell me then...

Luxmama’s events are diverse and constantly evolving. From informal coffee mornings, mamas' nights out, forest walks + lunch, joining in at other breastfeeding and mama groups, family lunches/picnics to Luxmama's annual Bellies & Booties event, a place where parents & parents-to-be socialise and win prizes. Interesting themes/guests/activities make each event unique and not-be-missed.

