Einsatzzentrum des Zivilschutes Petingen/Niederkerschen und der Feuerwehr Niederkerschen
Eiscafé mit Crepes und Waffels und Snack's
WHITE CAFÉ LUXEMBOURG!!! The New Place In Town, To Chill Have Party, Good Cocktails, Good Selection of Champagne's and wines, Cigars, Best selection Of Music!! Come, Have a Look and Judge on Your Own!!
Tel.: 00352/270427-1 / e-Mail: michael@pcrl.lu / Montag - Freitag/Lundi au Vendredi: 08:00-18:00 Uhr/Heures Samstag/Samedi: 08:00-12:00 Uhr/Heures
Grenzüberschreitende Steuerberatung
JA Alumni Luxembourg Official Partner of JA Alumni Europe. Provided, supported and patronized by "Jonk Entrepreneuren Luxembourg asbl"
Award winning Parental Program, designed especially for Babies from birth until 13 months. Wide range of activities for development and great fun.
Luxembourg Lego User Group, Luxemburgs Legoclubfanseite, LUG für alle AFOL's, TFOL's, Kinder sowie alle Legofans und die die es noch werden wollen