Harelaw House was originally built in 1593 in the reign of Elizabeth 1,when this part of Britain was a lawless frontier between England and Scotland.
Kay's Beauty Spa
Wir erstellen Ihre Website einfach und schnell als Abo ohne große Investitions- kosten zu einer günstigen monatlichen Pauschale.
catclub restaurant & Bar open from monday to saturday for lunch and from Tuesday to Saturday for Diner & Lounging
Construction - rénovation - transformation Gros-œuvres - terrassements - travaux extérieurs Pose de dallage et pose porphyre
Bijouterie fantaisie, Thomas Sabo, swarovski, Swatch, Festina, Calvin Klein, Pandora, ice watch, Spark, michael Kors, Fossil, diesel, dkny, coeur de lion..
Kinepolis and Ciné Utopia are Luxembourg's number one cinemas, offering you both, a wide range in blockbuster movies as well as an excellent programme in serious and art-house films. We are known for our knowledgeable staff and our state-of-art equipment
Telecom Luxembourg Private operator S.A. est un opérateur privé Luxembourgeois : Datacentres, connectivité nationale et internationale | Cloud |Téléphonie
Lounge bar