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Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas

Str. Gazmend Zajmi 24, Pristina, Kosovo



CoSiRA in Kosovo is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and implemented by GIZ. The aim of the project is to build the capacities of the public and private institutions and jointly to implement measures in order to increase the competitiveness of rural areas and their economic sectors.

CoSiRA brings together private sector entrepreneurs, their workforce, start-up businesses and the economically active population in rural regions and selected business sectors in Kosovo.


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Gëzuar Festat ! Srećni praznici ! Season's Greetings ! Thank you for your partnership in 2016! We look forward to working with you in the years to come.

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Tourism in Kosovo

The GIZ Project COSiRA has supported the local structures like municipalities, regional tourism association, hiking clubs, in Sharri region in marking and signposting of 10 hiking trails in Sharri Mountains. The newly marked trail will enable the newly established incoming tour operators to enrich their offer for the tourists and to the local communities along the trail to generate additional income. The marked trails are: • Prizren – Shtëpia Bjeshkatare • Restelica – Shishtavec • Restelica – Brod • Karaulla – Vërtop • Prevalla – Maja zeze • Gornje Lubinje – Kobilica • Koritnik • Gorozhup – Pashtrik • Prevalla – Oshlak • Novosello – Koxha Ballkan Shtigjet e mësipërme të ecjes malore në malet e Sharrit janë markuar dhe shënjuar me përkrahjen e projektit COSiRA të GIZ për strukturat lokale siç janë komunat, shoqata rajonale e turizmit, klubet e bjeshkatarëve. Këto shtigje do t’u mundësojnë tour-operatorëve të themeluar rishtazi ta pasurojnë ofertën e tyre për turistët ndërsa komuniteteve përgjatë shtigjeve të kenë të hyra shtesë

Tourism in Kosovo

Local and Regional Economic Development (LRED)

On 20th of December Ms. Ottilie Mooshofer (COSiRA's team leader), was part of a panel discussion at GIZ Headquarters in Eschborn, on the topic of Local and Regional Economic Development (LRED). The discussion was focused on key differences of LRED in fragile environments such as Kosovo, Palestine and Maynmar and key aspects to consider. Ms. Mooshofer has presented as an example of LRED from Kosovo "Peaks of the Balkans” Find more about "Peaks of the Balkans" here:

Local and Regional Economic Development (LRED)

Women Entrepreneurship Training

Me 16 dhjetor është mbajtur punëtoria për programin e mentorimit në kuadër të Trajnimit për Ndërmarrësi të Grave. Katërmbëdhjetë gra ndërmarrëse të reja do të mentorohen nga ndërmarrëse tashmë të suksesshme për tetë muaj. Faleminderit kompanive: Baruti GmbH, Agnesa Vuthaj Fashion, Melita&Partners, Edona Food Production, Gruda Honey Producer, Orient Kosova, Kopshti i Endërrave dhe Endi Textil për bashkëpunim. On 16th of December was held the kick-off workshop of the mentoring programme, part of the Women Entrepreneurship Training. Fourteen young women entrepreneurs will be mentored from other already successful women entrepreneurs for a period of eight months. We are thankful to companies: Baruti GmbH, Agnesa Vuthaj Fashion, Melita&Partners, Edona Food Production, Gruda Honey Producer, Orient Kosova, Kopshti i Endërrave and Endi Textil for their cooperation.

Women Entrepreneurship Training

Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas's cover photo

Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas's cover photo

Kosovo Anti-Corruption Week

Duke ndodhur tani: Konferenca "Luftimi i korrupsionit përmes dialogut publiko-privat" ________________________________________________________ Upravo sada: Konferencija "Borba provit korupcije javno-privatnim dijalogom" _______________________________________________________ Happening now: Conference "Tackling corruption through public-private dialogue" #UnitedAgainstCorruption #KS Deutsche Botschaft - Prishtinë Kosova Democratic Institute / Transparency International Kosova

Kosovo Anti-Corruption Week

Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas's cover photo

Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas's cover photo

Kosovo Anti-Corruption Week

German Cooperation has joint efforts with other organizations in Kosovo Anti-Corruption Week. #UnitedAgainstCorruption #KS GIZ projects Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas and Advisory Services on Judicial and Administrative Reform are organizers of the conference tackling corruption through public-private dialog and introduction to ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery-Management-System Please see the Calendar of Events here:

Kosovo Anti-Corruption Week

Workshop on Renewable Energy with the MTI

Sot më 1 dhejtor u mbajt punëtoria nga GIZ projekti CoSiRA me kërkesë të departamentit të Industrisë në Ministrin e Tregtisë dhe Industrisë së Kosovës (MTI). U diskutua se si mund MTI të mbështes më tutje Energjinë e Ripërtëritshme në fazën fillestare? Cili është roli i MTI-së? Nga GIZ projekti CoSiRA: z. Ilir Rexha (këshilltar në projekt) dhe z. Jan Johannsmeier nga kompania konsulente Gjermane "Como" _________________________________________________ Today on 1st of December was held the workshop from GIZ project CoSiRA upon the request of the department of industry at the Ministry of Trade and Industry(MTI). It was discussed how could MTI further support the Renewable Energy cluster during its start-up phase? Which role does MTI see for itself? On behalf of GIZ project CoSiRA: Mr. Ilir Rexha (project advisor) and Mr. Jan Johannsmeier from the German consulting company "Como"

Workshop on Renewable Energy with the MTI

Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas's cover photo

Turizmi Rural në Kosovë/ Ruralni Turizam na Kosovu / Rural Tourism in Kosovo

Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas's cover photo

Kosovar IT companies in Germany

6 Kosovar companies from the IT sector have had a business delegation trip in Germany supported from GIZ project CoSiRA in cooperation with Kosovo ICT Association - STIKK from 14 -18 of November. Companies like Adaptivit Engineering, Cacttus Sha, ITEG, LinkPlus, Rrota and Zetta Technologies came together to look for business partners. #IT #Nearshoring #Kosovo #STIKK ______________________________________________________ 6 kompani Kosovare nga sektori i TI kanë pasur një udhëtim për biznes në Gjermani, të mbështetur nga GIZ projekti CoSiRA në bashkëpunim me Kosovo ICT Association - STIKK nga 14-18 nëntor. Kompanitë si Adaptivit Engineering, Cacttus Sha, ITEG, LinkPlus, Rrota dhe Zetta Technologies janë bashkuar për të kërkuar partner në biznes.

Kosovar IT companies in Germany

Implemetation of the strategy for Non Wood Forest Products

Me 22 nëntor është mbajt takimi final i grupit punues për implementimin e strategjisë nacionale për Produktet Pyjore Jo Drusore(PPJD). Referues në punëtori ishin ekspertë kombëtar dhe ndërkombëtar. Nga ana e projektit të GIZ-it CoSiRA: znj. Ottilie Mooshofer (udhëheqëse e projektit) dhe Dr.Agim Rysha (këshilltar në projekt). ___________________________________________________ On November 22nd was held the final workshop on the implementation of the strategy for Non Wood Forest Products (NWFP). The workshop was organized in cooperation with national and international experts. On behalf of the GIZ project CoSiRA: Ms. Ottilie Mooshofer (team leader) and Dr.Agim Rysha (project advisor).

Implemetation of the strategy for Non Wood Forest Products


NEAR Competitiveness of the Private Sector in Rural Areas


Pristina, Kosovo
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