YES program is funded through the U.S. Department of State to provide scholarships for high school students to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program was established by Congress in October 2002 in response to the events of September 11, 2001. The program is funded through the U.S. Department of State and sponsored by the Bureau of Educational & Cultural Affairs (ECA) to provide scholarships for high school students from countries with significant Muslim populations to spend up to one academic year in the U.S. Students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about American society and values, acquire leadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures.
The YES program is administered in partnership with the U.S. Department of State by a consortium of non-profit organizations led by American Councils for International Education and includes the following placement and recruitment organizations.
Tell your friends
facebook.comPhotos from YES Kosova's post
2016 has been a bonding year for YES Alumni Kosova! A year of many community activities and creative initiatives, the last one for this year being Gift a Smile. It is an honor to support such talented and thoughtful young people with a strong will to improve their country! In hopes for an even more active and engaging 2017, YES Kosova staff wishes you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!!
Poetry Slam Gives a Voice to the Struggles of Youth - YES Programs
Read alumnus Visar Zeka's (YES '15, Prosper, TX) article on the second edition of Kosovo Slam Poetry.
Prishtina Insight
The second edition of the Kosovo Slam Poetry competition was covered by many news portals in Kosova. Here is a great summary written by the widely acclaimed Prishtina Insight.
16 Days - No Violence
Alumni Rinë Fetahu (YES '14, Baton Rouge, LA), Erris Boshnjaku (YES '16, Fairbault, MN) and Visar Zeka (YES '15, Prosper TX) presenting their project at The 16 Days of Activism global campaign against Gender Based Violence. YES Alumni Kosova have initiated a project through UN Women as part of this campaign and have won a grant to realize their project. Details to come soon...
Timeline Photos
Anda Rama (YES 2016, Berlin, Pennsylvania) holding a presentation on Kosova in her high school Berlin Brothersvalley High School. #IEW2016
Alumni Fair 2016 - Kosovo
Would you like to learn more about the Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study- YES Program? Visit our booth at the Alumni Fair, on behalf of the International Education Week! #KLYES #IEW2016 #YESisIEW
YES Alumni Kosova
The application for the second edition of Kosovo Slam Poetry is now open!
Timeline Photos
Dear YES 2017-2018 program year applicant, If you have been waiting for our e-mail by your computer, you now have received the round three results! Please read the instructions carefully! To those of you who haven't made it to round three: good luck with future competitions! It was great to have you on board till now! YES Kosova Team
As of yesterday, YES and FLEX alumni are participating in a five day social entrepreneurship workshop in Krushevo, Macedonia. Five YES alumni from Kosova will bring back the experience and apply it in projects that aim to boost the entrepreneurial spirit and equip them with the skills to give back to their home community! Thank you U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo for supporting this wonderful project! #SQSEW #StartQube16 #FLEXalumni #YESalumni
Kosovar Program Participants Meet America’s Deep South
Read about the perspective of our recruiter Chris on some of the YES Alumni Kosova's exchange experience!
Photos from YES Kosova's post
The Dream Team with Erris BoshnjakuAndi JashariGentian KuqicaMalsore JusufiVisar ZekaAlma JashariRinë FetahuChris Barber(plus missing Rona PreteniShpresa Frrokaj on the selfie) and Yllza Hoti for Kamenica, Ermal GashiAnila SokoliAdea GafuriEdina Osmankaj for Prizren and all other alumni who made presentations in schools, NGO's, appeared on TV and Radio shows and used all their acquaintances to promote this wonderful program. Thank you for making this testing exciting, surprising, promising AND POSSIBLE!!! YES Alumni Kosova <3