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Bismarck Catholic Mission

Box 1640, Kisii, Kenya
Church/religious organization



The Bismarck Diocese Africa Mission provides support to 350 AIDS orphans in Kenya with food, educational needs, and medical care. Exerpt taken from an article written by  Leon Heick for the Feb. '14 Dakota Catholic Action newspaper:  "The Bismarck mission has partnered with the Diocese of Kisii in Gekano, Kenya parish for over twenty years. Have we made a difference?  As a current missionary in Africa, I believe that we have made a difference because it is clear that many missionaries leave a void when they depart from here. Each day, people tell me stories of how missionaries helped them get a ride to the hospital; how the mission's education program for AIDS orphans allowed someone’s granddaughter to get school fees; how school fees were paid to send college students and seminarians to school..." (see for entire article).  



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