Where curiosity is turned into learning....
“We are more than a school. We make English fun.” We are more than a school. We make English fun.
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Please e-mail us if you are interested in applying FETJ-IIE Skype teachers. Applicant should be a member of FETJ-Global and have a TGS.certificate. e-mail address:
FETJ-IIE will soon start "IIE-Skype English". Please find the details in the attached flyer. The target are "Japanese English Teachers" who want to improve their English communication skills. Of course, "preschool up to Adult" students are also accepted. Those who are interested in applying as Skype teacher, please contact us to the following e-mail address with Full name, e-mail address, Skype name and FETJ-Global chapter name. (e-mail)
Photos from FETJ Institute for International Education's post
7/23日、FETJ-IIE糀谷スクールではサマー・パーティを開催。生徒やご家族、近所の皆様に多数ご参加いただき、有難う御座いました! On 7/23, we had a "Summer Party" at Kojiya-school. Hawaiian Hula dance and delicious food. From tomorrow, we have Summer Vacation. Let's see you again on Sept!
Photos from FETJ Institute for International Education's post
FETJ-IIEの子供英語塾(Jolly Kids English)ではOJTを実施中。5日間のOJTを終了し、2人が卒業しました。 FETJ-IIE offers OJT lessons for those who aspires to become "JKE" Teacher. Congratulations!! for finishing the course @Kojiya School.
Photos from FETJ Institute for International Education's post
FETJ-IIEは子供英語と共に、ビジネス英語クラスを開催しています。下記は岡山で始まった「企業内英語研修」の様子です。 FETJ-IIE has stared not only Kids English but also Business English in the company. The photo shows one of those in Okayama.
Photos from FETJ Institute for International Education's post
Finished preparation for tomorrow's class!
Jolly Kids English お問合わせ - 英語塾-もっと楽しく自然に英語を!
Photos from FETJ Institute for International Education's post
<The news from FETJ-IIE> "Application Form" for FETJ-IIE Job Opportunities is available from bellow URL: FETJ-IIE offers following opportunities.(details as attached) * Home-based "Jolly Kids English" * Business English "Group lesson at company" * Skype English tutor for Japanese English teacher
FETJ Institute for International Education's cover photo
FETJ Institute for International Education
FETJ Institute for International Education
Photos from FETJ Institute for International Education's post
Jolly Kids Englishでは、新学期のキャンペーン中。入会金無料!英語を始めようかと思われている今がチャンスです。Jolly Kidsでは英語を好きになる子供を育てています。 Now Jolly Kids English offers "NO ENTRANCE FEE" campaign! Let's enjoy English, let's play in English, let's make friends!