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いま世界では196もの国に70億人の人々が生活しています。そしておなじ目標や夢を達成するために情報を共有しつながっていける時代になってきました。 TRIUSはスポーツ医学と最先端のプロフェッショナルパフォーマンスを融合させ、世界で取り組むプロジェクトです。 私たちがそれぞれ活動してきた中で次世代のために共通認識した3つのミッションがあります。 これからこの3つのミッション(フィジカル・バーチャル・インタラクティブ)を構築する過程で皆さんと私たちの挑戦の旅をシェアさせていただきます。 私たちは皆さんとこの新しいプロジェクトの成功を一緒に分かち合う事をとても楽しみにしています。
#TBT For one of our key missions to create #InteractiveSpace in the field of Sports Medicine & Performance, we were seeking for friends and partners who have same passion as us and share each other's expertise. In January 2016, we had grateful memories with Innovative Education Company, KinetIQ. We were agreed to host their concept of #SharingKnowledgeAndExperience and create an educational environment with multiple professionals at one space. While bringing 'Gurus' in one place together, we also invited 'Grasshoppers' to promote their learnings to occur through experience as a team. We were also privileged to work with Sports Management company, Valuable Selection Co., Ltd. to run this event smoothly with many smiles. Event was organized as a form of Training Camp for Baseball in Okinawa. Okinawa's perfect climate was ideal for Baseball players to start preparing before their spring training start. Many elite professionals from the field of Baseball were invited, including: - Anna Hartman (Athletic Trainer / USA) - Byung Gon Kim (Athletic Trainer / KOR) - Ryo Naito (Strength & Conditioning Coach / JPN) - Jong Yeol Lee, 이종열 (Hitting Coach / KOR) - Won Ho Choi (Pitching Coach / KOR) - Yutaka Hasebe (Battery Coach / JPN) - Dave Bishop (Hitting Coach / NZL) - Hiromi Sonobe (Nutritionist / JPN) - Hyukki Chang (Nutition Advisor / KOR) - Robert Palka (Nutrition Advisor / ZAF) - Watari Sumida (Event Advisor / JPN) - Katsuhiko Abe (Event Advisor / JPN) Our mission as TRIUS for hosting this event was to create or reinforce the missing links in between professions in the field of Sports (Baseball) as well as give opportunities for professionals to INTERACT and share their expertise to make athletes to rehabilitate or perform better. We still recall this memory now, even 5months after this camp is finished. And now we cannot wait for our #2017KonnectXL. Stay tuned! #TRIUSproject #WeAreTRIUS
TRIUS Sue Falsone
TRIUS is a collaboration project with leading professionals in the field of Sports Medicine & Performance. We are creating media contents with creative media communicator Juan Garcia to introduce who we are and what we believe. We are proudly introducing Sue Falsone, TRIUS Rehabilitation Program Director. Click and watch our video to know more about Sue and her grateful contribution towards TRIUS operation & education. #TRIUSproject #WeAreTRIUS
TRIUS Intro Video
7 Billion people are living in 196 different Countries and now it has come to the era that people from all around the world can now get connected through the similarities or mutual goals to pursue. TRIUS is a collaboration project in the field of Sports Medicine & Performance with leading professionals around the globe. While we are all walking in our own individual path, we are connected and agreed upon three missions for our industry and next generations. In a process of building our 3 missionary Spaces (Physical, Virtual and Interactive), we would like to share our journey with everyone. Excitement sparks about making the first introduction of our project and looking forward to connect with everyone very soon. #TRIUSproject #WeAreTRIUS