Zen Foto Gallery is a photography gallery and a publisher specializes in Asian photography. Zen Foto Gallery opened in September 2009 in Tokyo, to specialize in Asian photography with a particular emphasis on China. Our aims are: to show interesting exhibitions, to be experimental, to provide stimulating works that would otherwise be rarely seen and to introduce innovative young photographers. In all we hope to provide a forum for greater appreciation of contemporary and historical works of Asian photography.
ASIAN PHOTOGRAPHY Zen Foto aims to be a bridge between Japan and China and a platform for the best of classic and contemporary photography from both countries. So far our exhibitions have included leading Chinese photographers Liu Zheng, Wang Ningde, RongRong & Inri, Moyi and Yang Yankang, and younger up-and-coming artists such as Muge, Liu Ke, Han Chao and 223. Among Japanese artists we have held exhibitions by Nobuyoshi Araki, Kazuo Kitai, Mao Ishikawa, Seiryu Inoue, vintage works by Ihei Kimura, Kanbei Hanaya and Iwata Nakayama. Younger Japanese photographers we have shown include Takehiko Nakafuji, Kazuyoshi Usui, Tatsuya Shimohira, Daisuke Ito and Masayuki Nakaya.
LIMITED EDITION PHOTOGRAPHY BOOKS Along with most exhibitions, we publish limited edition photography books, producing a resource for enthusiasts of contemporary Japanese and Chinese photography. Our publications to date include "Kazuo Kitai in China, 1973" (Kazuo Kitai, 2010), "Life in Philly" (Mao Ishikawa, 2010), "Night Crawler 1995, 2010" (Takahiko Nakafuji, 2011), and joint publication with Taka Ishii Gallery of "The Theater of Love" (Nobuyoshi Araki, 2011).
RARE CLASSIC JAPANESE PHOTOGRAPHY We also offer some of the rare secondhand classic Japanese photography books and vintage prints of Ihei Kimura, Seiryu Inoue, Iwata Nakayama and so forth.
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2016年6月8日から25日まで、新進気鋭の写真家・楠哲也による「AMERICAN MONUMENTS」を展示します。 6月11日[土] 18:00~20:00オープニングパーティーを開催。 Zen Foto Gallery is pleased to present "American Monuments" by Tetsuya Kusu from June 8 to 25. Opening party on June 11 (Sat.) 18:00~20:00 詳しくは For more information:
Zen Foto Gallery
◎山内道雄写真展「香港1995-1997」、今週土曜日(28日)まで。18:00からクロージングパーティを開催! ◎次回開催:楠哲也写真展「American Monuments」 詳しくは:
Photos from Zen Foto Gallery's post
IMA English Edition Vol.1, 2016 "A New Chapter of Japanese Photography"
////BAL BOOKS WEEK/// 5/18~5/21at LE BAL 6, Impasse de la Défense, 75018 パリ Photobook "Kittenish..." by Tamiko Nishimura and "Orphée" by Tokyo Rumando
Photos from Zen Foto Gallery's post
TODAY, 19 May 3pm BST "Showa88" by Kazuyoshi Usui at Phillips Photographs London Auction PHILLIPS 写真オークション (本日 ロンドン時間午後3時) 薄井一議「Showa88 / 昭和88年」シリーズを出品しています。
Photos from Zen Foto Gallery's post
有元伸也写真集『TOKYO CIRCULATION』7月上旬発売! 2016.7.2~8.3 有元伸也写真展 at Zen Foto Gallery The making of Photobook "TOKYO CIRCULATION" by Shinya Arimoto. Publishing soon in early July! デザインDesigner:INO DESIGN 伊野耕一 印刷 Printer:東京印書館 P.D高栁昇
Timeline Photos
''Showe 88'' by Kazuyoshi Usui PHILLIPS Photographs London Auction ◎薄井一議「Showa88/昭和88年」 Lot 68 / ULTIMATE KAZUYOSHI USUI Bōzu [Thugs] from Showa88, 2009 (Image on the right side) Photographs Auction: 19 May 2016 3pm BST Public Viewing: 13 – 19 May Monday – Saturday 10am-6pm Sunday 12pm-6pm @phillipsauction
Zen Foto Gallery's cover photo
山内道雄「香港1995-1997」 Michio Yamauchi "Hong Kong 1995-1997" 会期 Dates:2016/5/14[土]~5/28[土] クロージングパーティー Closing party: 2016/5/28[最終日] 18:00~ 禪フォトギャラリーは5月14日から5月28日まで、今年の土門拳賞受賞作家・山内道雄「香港1995-1997」写真展を開催致します。写真集『香港1995-1997(新装版)』(写々者刊、2015)より24点のモノクローム作品を展示いたします。 上海の撮影の2年後、1995年から1997年にかけて2、3度渡航をくり返して香港を訪れた。英国から中国に返還される直前の香港を見ておきたかったのである。(中略)私は自由に伸び伸びと香港を歩いた。無限に、限りなくかぶさってくるように出会う瞬間の連続から私は体(細胞)が反応するある一瞬をカメラに収める。具体的なものを撮ることで、考えてもよくわからない現実や自然、その一部である自身をわかろうとしているのかもしれない。体を刺激してくるものを写すことが面白かった。 —山内道雄 ■ 関連写真展:第35回土門拳賞受賞作品展 山内道雄写真展「DHAKA」 2016.4.27 ~ 5.10 銀座ニコンサロン 2016.5.19~6.1 大阪ニコンサロン Zen Foto Gallery is pleased to host “Hong Kong 1995-1997” photography exhibition by Michio Yamauchi, the Domon Ken Award winner of 2016. This exhibition features 24 selected monochrome works from the reprinted new edition photobook “Hong Kong 1995-1997” published by Shashasha in 2015. I visited Hong Kong a couple of times between 1995 and 1997, 2 years after I had photographed Shanghai. I wanted to see Hong Kong right before Britain would return it to China...I walked Hong Kong freely in a relaxed manner. Out of the moments that kept overwhelming me, I photographed what my body reacted to. By shooting something, I might have tried to understand reality, nature and a part of myself that was a part of them, all of which I cannot explain in words. I enjoyed photographing objects and stimulating my body. —Michio Yamauchi ■ Related Exhibitions: 「DHAKA」- Photography Exhibition by The 35th Domon Ken Award Winner Michio Yamauchi 2016.4.27 ~ 5.10 Ginza Nikon Salon 2016.5.19~6.1 Osaka Nikon Salon
Zen Foto Gallery
【開催中 Current Exhibition】English follows 山内道雄写真展「香港1995-1997」本日より始まりました。28日まで。写真集『香港』より24点の作品を展示しております。最終日の28日[土]18:00~クロージングパーティを開催! 詳細: Zen Foto Gallery is pleased to host “Hong Kong 1995-1997” photography exhibition by Michio Yamauchi, the Domon Ken Award winner of 2016. This exhibition features 24 selected monochrome works from the reprinted new edition photobook “Hong Kong 1995-1997” published by Shashasha in 2015. Exhibition starts today, runs until May 28. We will have a closing party with the artist on May 28, 18:00~. For more information:
Timeline Photos
【お知らせ NEWS】 禅フォトギャラリーは明日〜明後日(14日~15日)に大阪で開催される写真集のイベント「写真集飲み会」に参加します。(禅フォトブックスのディストビュターShashashaと共同出店) 中国写真集シリーズをスペシャルプライスで販売します。サイン本などもあり。また、写真家・中藤毅彦さんと山縣勉さんによるサイン会も開催! Zen Foto Gallery will participate in "Photobooks and Drinking" Event in Osaka this weekend. Sharing the table with our publication distributor Shashasha / 写々者. We will have book signing by Takehiko Nakafuji and Tsutomu Yamagata. 詳細 Information: PND 写真集飲み会 in 大阪 開催日時 Dates 2016年5月14日(土) 13時〜21時予定 2016年5月15日(日) 11時〜19時予定 場所 Place ドゥラポ 大阪府大阪市中央区博労町4丁目6-14 TEL : 06-6282-0367
【籽談風月】日本當代春光 黃竹坑工廈乍洩
Under The Influence
Hideka Tonomura and Tokyo Rumando