Simpec Srl
Simpec works in the design, construction, installation and service of industrial water and wastewater treatment plants. Since 1993 Simpec works in the design, construction, installation and service of industrial water and wastewater treatment plants.
Simpec works for all the industries that use and consume water in their different production processes.
Simpec realizes also plants for landfills (leachate treatment), plants for zootechnical effluents and for digestate treatment coming from biogas production.
Simpec constructs also treatment plants for third waste disposal.
With over 600 plants deployed all over the world, Simpec is a leader in water treatment.
With over 30 years of specific industry experience, Simpec personnel guarantee the deployment of treatment plants made-to-measure on the customers’ real technical and economic needs.
Quality, reliability and security are the final result of the strong customer orientation.
Simpec is UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 certified in the fields of technical design and construction.
The company works following UE legislation and rules and lows of the destination countries.
Simpec research and development investments spearhead the effort to supply customer with solutions to complex water treatment problems with best available technologies.
The company provides “pilot plants” to test treatment solutions at the customer premises or at home.
To continuously monitor plants and assist customers in plant management, Simpec designs and installs remote control unites.
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facebook.comELECTROPLATING. Accessories for fashion, apparel, leather goods and footwear sector. New reverse osmosis system ready for delivery. Capacity 10 m3/h. Demineralized water is destined for electroplating processes (washing operations after several treatment: acid and alkaline copper, white bronze, nickel, palladium, gold and ruthenium). #watertreatment #fashion #electroplating #galvanica #trattamentosuperficiale #osmosi #osmosiinversa #reverseosmosis
SIMPEC Team would thank all Customers, Suppliers and People that have cooperated and supported us during these 25 years. In 1993 Simpec was created as company able to support Customers for water and waste water treatment plant solutions. During these 25 years we grew up, our production has been expanded and we have increased our team to thirty five people. They have been 25 years of satisfactions and successes. Till today our company has installed more than 700 turn key plants all over the world, and is able to support all industrial sectors for incoming, process and effluent water treatment plants. THANK YOU ALL. SIMPEC vuole ringraziare tutti i Clienti, i Fornitori e le persone che hanno collaborato con noi e ci hanno supportato in questi 25 anni. Nel 1993 Simpec è stata creata come azienda in grado di proporre ai Clienti soluzioni per il trattamento e la depurazione delle acque. Durante questi 25 anni siamo cresciuti, abbiamo ampliato la nostra produzione e incrementato il personale. Sono stati 25 anni di successi e soddisfazioni. Sino ad oggi la nostra azienda ha installato più di 700 impianti chiavi in mano in tutto il mondo, ed è in grado di seguire tutti i settori industriali per il trattamento delle acque primarie, di processo e di scarico. GRAZIE A TUTTI.
ALUMINIUM PROFILE ANODIZING AND PAINTING SECTOR. Commissioning completed ! New chemical physical plant 30 m3/h capacity. WWTP to the service of anodizing line and two vertical painting lines. Plant is installed in Siberia for the third Russian aluminium extruder. #watertreatment #aluminium #anodizing #powdercoating #environment #ecology #ambiente #ecologia
#inquinamento #ambiente #ecologia #depurazione
HIGH PRESSURE REVERSE OSMOSIS UNITS READY FOR DELIVERY. Four units will be installed in Germany and France for distillate treatment coming from Vacuum evaporation units. Max working pressure: 50 bar. #watertreatment #osmosis #environment #ambiente #ecologia #depurazione #trattamentoacque #ecology #biogas
Commissioning completed. New continuous chemical physical plant to the service of electroplating lines (racks and barrels) for electrical connectors production.
We will be there! Noi ci saremo! Save the date! SurfaceTechnology GERMANY, 05 - 07 June 2018 (Previous O&S) - Stuttgart #watertreatment #surfacefinishing #metalfinishing #electroplating #environment #galvanica #elettrodeposizione #platingonplastinc #pop #ambiente
Our team wishes an happy Christmas and a happy new year!!!
NEW WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT TO THE SERVICE OF ELECTROPLATING BARREL LINES FOR COINS PRODUCTION. Plant has been installed in south of Moscow. Plant is equipped with a special cyanide oxidation section for high CN content. Plant flowrate 15 m3/h max. #electroplating #watertreatment #environment #ambiente #galvanica #elettrodeposizione #depurazione #depurazioneacque
REVERSE OSMOSIS PLANT FOR GERMANY. 4 units ready for delivery, destination Germany. High pressure RO system for Ammonia content reduction. #watertreatment #biogas #energy #greenenergy #greeneconomy #cleanwater #savewater #environment #ambiente #ecologia
SOFTENING PLANT. New Softening plant delivered in Russia. Softened water is to the service of production processes of leading global producer of glass-fiber reinforcements. American Company based also in Moscow. Plant flowrate: 15 m3/h of softened water. #softening #watertreatment #demineralization #cleanwater #environment #industrial #steamproduction
WORK IN PROGRESS. New PP reaction tanks for continuous chemical physical treatment plant almost completed. WWTP to the service of several electroplating lines in Italy. #watertreatment #wastewater #electroplating #cleanwater