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Save the Dogs and other Animals

Via Vilfredo Pareto 36, Milan, Italy
Non-profit organization



Per donare: con bonifico su Banco Posta, IBAN IT48A0760101600000062998497 o tramite carta di credito sul sito  5x1000: C.F. 97394230151.   You can donate with credit card through Pay Pal on our site: Associazione italiana fondata nel 2005 da Sara Turetta per finanziare e sviluppare i progetti di salvaguardia dei cani randagi portati avanti dalla propria filiale in Romania, paese dove dal 2001 è in corso un terribile sterminio.

Dal 2002 il braccio operativo di Save the Dogs lavora nel Sud Est della Romania, in una zona molto povera e degradata. L'associazione sterilizza gratuitamente una media di 2.500/3.000 animali all'anno (cani e gatti), gestisce tramite personale locale 3 canili, una clinica mobile e un rifugio per asini, l'unico dell'Est Europa ( STD si occupa anche di una dozzina di cavalli sottratti ai maltrattamenti e alle macellazioni clandestine. Inoltre Save the Dogs porta avanti un programma di adozioni internazionali che in media procura una famiglia a 500/600 cani randagi all'anno (Nord Italia, Svizzera, Svezia, Finlandia).

STD vive unicamente dei fondi provenienti da donatori privati di vari paesi europei e non gode di fondi pubblici.


The Italian branch was officially founded in 2005 to finance and develop the animal welfare projects run by the Romanian headquarter of the charity.  

Mission of the organization is to give an answer to the tragic emergency that affects stray dogs in Romania: a phenomenon completely out of control with thousands of dogs exterminated every year by the authorities. (Save the Dogs map of public kennels:

Beside providing medical activities connected to the neutering and the rescue of animal in need, Save the Dogs also aims to spread the values of responsible ownership by carrying on a dialogue with the population and promoting educational programs in schools.

In 2008 a new project named "Footprints of Joy" was launched in the outskirts of Cernavoda: a model shelter for dogs, donkeys and horses which sums up to the already existing old shelters in Cernavoda and Medgidia, both in Costanza county. Moreover Save the Dogs team travels the disctrict with its own mobile clinic (May-September) to provide free of charge neuterings and microchipping of owned dogs in rural areas.

In addition the association carries on an intense program of international adoptions due to the total lack of local requests. Save the dogs rehomes an average of 600 dogs every year in collaboration with a large numbers of Italian and foreign associations (Sweden, Finland, Swizterland, Northern Italy).

The charity depends on private donations and doesn't benefit from public funds.

