Taiga Siberian cats
Allevamento gatti siberiani, Bardonecchia (TO) ITALY
tel. 335/5348946
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Il 16 marzo è nata una cucciola black tabby blotched & white di Yolochka ed Hey You. We have a kitten from Yolochka Timange Fialka and Lukijn's T-Hey You: a female black tabby blotched & white. She is born on March 16 2017
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Gefjun Katova di Sansone
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Laguna Syberiana Keyko Fuentovna
Photos from Taiga Siberian cats's post
Il 15 dicembre sono nati 3 cuccioli di Juliette ed Hey You, 2 maschi (un black tabby con bianco ed un black tabby) ed una femmina (tortie tabby con bianco). We have kittens from Juliette Felis Felicis and Lukin's T-Hey You: 2 males (brown tabby and brown tabby mackerel with white) and 1 female (tortie tabby and white). They are born on December 15, 2016.
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Chuck della Taiga
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Lukijn's T-Hey You
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Juliette Felis Felicis
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Feofan della Taiga, 11 weeks old.
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Feofan della Taiga, disponibile.
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Feofan della Taiga, 5 weeks old.
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Fedor della Taiga 11 weeks old
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EU Ch. Lukijn's T-Hey You