Grosvenor Property Marketing
Grosvenor Property Marketing Ltd (GPM) has been marketing overseas buy to let properties to investors for more than ten years. Latterly we have entered into the UK student housing market, the number one asset class in UK real estate surprisingly. Massive demand for UK universities, driven in part by the political and economic decline of middle eastern and eastern and southern European countries has resulted in a huge influx of foreign students, formally approved. Also the reputation of UK education is held in high esteem throughout the world which brings students from China, India, Africa. Grosvenor Property Marketing Ltd. promotes developments or property investment opportunities on behalf of developers and owners, we do not sell our own properties. We have a purely promotional role. Whilst we advise and assist the investor to understand fully any given proposition we do not actually take part in the transaction ourselves, the investor always buys directly from the seller. Our senior executives based in the UK, regularly visit South Africa to meet with investors, please feel free to contact Peter Weaver to discuss any project, either on the South African cell phone number below if he is in the country or by e mail
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