Trending Toy sells ... trending toys, the hottest sellers loved by kids and teens, approved by us for you. Daily posting from Ireland.
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facebook.comWe're super happy that you can now purchase our products directly here through our Facebook page. Just click on the shop link, select product and it will take you straight to the payment page. — Products shown: Aluminium Fidget Spinners and Fidget Spinner.
Hey everyone, just a heads up that we will be at the Blackrock Car Boot sale tomorrow, Saturday, from 9am. It's behind Supervalue Deansgrange. Come down if you want to get your hands on one of our Fidget Spinners. — Products shown: Aluminium Fidget Spinners and Fidget Spinner.
Welcome to my toy company! I am 10 from Ireland.... I hope you love my products as much as I do! :)
Just a heads up that we will be at the Sandyford Car Boot Sale tomorrow (Sunday) - come and see us if you are looking for Fidget Spinners.
We are now out of stock of the fully black fidget spinners. But all other coulors are still available.
New to Fidget Spinners? Check out these cool 5 Easy Fidget Spinner Tricks for Beginners by @Mathias Moslund - we love them and will be practicing them in the sun this afternoon.
Hey guys thanks so much for liking and sharing our page. For anyone who ordered in the last 24 hours, your fidget spinners have gone in the post this afternoon. And if you haven't ordered one - what are you waiting for? Payment is taken by PayPal and orders are sent out within 24 hours. #keeponspinning