Serenity Natural Therapies - Holistic & Beauty Treatments
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Happy Sunday folks. It's a beautiful day. Get out there & enjoy soaking up the sunshine!
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What's your favourite colour?
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Interesting! Check out this face map and compare to areas on your face where you may suffer from breakouts/sensitivity. I find many suffer from breakouts on the chin and jaw area which tends to be hormonal. Do you ever notice after a weekend of partying your skin looks and feels awful? Do you find your face particularly dry during the winter months? There are many factors that affect your skin including diet, weather, skincare routine and low water intake.
Happy Valentines Day! <3
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As one of the most important features on your face; Creating beautiful eyebrows isn't always easy! No set are identical so it can be frustrating to get them "just right" - Sometimes you may need the help of a product to fill in certain areas (like myself!) It's very simple really; A small angled make up brush and some powder similar or slightly darker than your own brow colour. It is important to follow the natural shape, and you can brush the remainder of the colour through the brow hair to blend it all in. The image below are my own eyebrows, which I colour and fill in most days!
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I like to do this before treatments. Smudging is a wonderful way to "cleanse" a room, removing negativity and creating a sacred, safe space to work in.
Hello! Welcome to my page. I am a fully qualified Holistic Therapist and Beautician with several years of experience in both industries. I love what I do, So I thought I would share my passion with others! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Thanks for looking and don't forget to give my page a "like" ~ Christina x