Wexford Deaf Association
Wexford Deaf Association is non-profit organisation, we provided events, lectures and many more. we courage all deaf people in county wexford to join!
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facebook.comDALS in Enniscorthy
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Start this Wednesday, please text Susan if you are interested. Thanks
Irish Deaf Society Roadshow in Wexford Deaf Club at 7.30pm. See you all there :)
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IDS Roadshow will be on 18th November at deaf club at 7.30pm. Tea and Coffee with biscuits will be provided. Please come and enjoy the Roadshow. Thank you, Colm.
One person send out the questionnaires for Wexford Deaf People. Here is video and questions for WEXFORD DEAF PEOPLE ONLY. Thank you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtDKRj5XGtM https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CCGHHM6
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Messege from Sinead Winters.
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All Deaf/hard of hearing students who have attended the schools for the Deaf/deaf units or mainstream schools are invited to our DEAF EDUCATION FORUM on Saturday 11th June - all details on poster
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Don't forget for Roadshow on 22nd Friday, April. At deaf club, Lochrann centre, wexford at 7.30pm. Tea and coffee provided.
WEXFORD - cake decoration class 23rd April
Cake Decoration class on Saturday 23rd April 2016 at Deaf Club, Lochrann Centre, Cinema Lane, Wexford Town Around the Corner of Costa Cafe - closing date is Monday 18th April 2016, Please Text to Susan, 085 284 1884 https://vimeo.com/162694196
1916 ISL Interpreter on 28th March, 2016 at St. Aiden's Cathedral, Abbey Square, Enniscorthy. Time - 12.40 - 1.30pm Best to come 12.30 for good place to see Interpreter. Thank You
Photos from Wexford Deaf Association's post
I.D.S Roadshow On 22nd April, 2016 at Deaf Club (Lochrann Centre) Come Along Refreshment will be provide by W.D.A
Interpreter Provided on St. Patrick Day Parade at Wexford Town 10.30am