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Ann Moran Fertility and Maternity Therapist

, Wexford, Ireland
Medical & Health



I provide Fertility treatments,using Health Supplements,Reflexology, Diet/Nutrition, Lifestyle Changes, Stress Management, Mindset to conceive naturally. BOOK APPOINTMENT HERE:

I work with a wide range of conditions both Physical and Emotional and specialise in Fertility treatment. After taking a full and detailed consultation on your medical history, health and general lifestyle,
I put together a treatment plan just for you. Every program is individually tailored.


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ARE YOU ALONE FOR VALENTINES DAY? - You don't have to on...❤❤❤ If you don't have someone special in your life to treat you or share the day with tomorrow, why not treat yourself? Nobody else to love you tomorrow? Love yourself. Pamper yourself! Run a bath with some lovely oils of Rose, known as the "Queen of Flowers" ,or mix with some Frankincense for a "Hug in a Bottle", nothing says I LOVE YOU like Roses, or Sandalwood which has the ability to create a peaceful and tranquil environment.If your not getting a hug tomorrow, give one to someone else! Buy your own flowers.Be happy enough so you don't need a relationship to be happy, and don't be so starved for love that you will endure a poor relationship just to be in one.Treat yourself in a loving way tomorrow, and every day. Have fun! Ann x

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DO YOU HAVE ANY JOY IN YOUR DAY? Moments of JOY come in all shapes and sizes, a knowing glance from a loved one, the feeling of your baby's hand or just being thankful for being alive and well. JOY is not just something to experience, but something to create too.You can bring JOY to someone else's world also - through your words, your kindness, your humour or just by your presence.This month focus on finding, appreciating and gathering JOY whenever and wherever you can.Ann x

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Life is short.Live it.Take a minute to look at this.Puts it all in perspective.Ann x

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EMOTIONS This is my view today as i write up my fertility programs, which are all individualized to each client, i like to spend a bit of time reflecting on each person and what exactly is going on in their lives, or how their feeling.I just love waves and could watch them all day! The storm on the sea and the anger of the waves actually kind of reflects to me how powerful the many emotions are that women face on their fertility journey,but on a positive note, the sea also reflects strength and courage, something you get lots of on my program. If you would like to talk pm me here and we can arrange a time.Ann x

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Who would you want in the labour room with you? When i'm working with you for Birth Preparation,we go through lots of visualizations to help with any fears you may have around childbirth and i also do a specific type of reflexology for maternity to prepare the body for labour by balancing hormones, so this reduces the likelihood of induction, and length of labour is also very much reduced. If you would like to get in touch with me to book this, Please pm me here, or I can talk to you, call 087 170 9024 Ann x

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THE PAIN OF MISCARRIAGE Your feelings and emotions are absolutely critical at this very sad time & should be shared.It's important to feel the feelings and take time to process. This is a particularly devastating time for you the woman because of a lot of self blame & of course guilt. We as women always turn the same questions over & over in our heads,was it something i did, something i didn't do, or the maybes ,maybe i didn't eat healthy enough, maybe i didn't exercise enough or maybe i did too much. I see ladies come to me after having a miscarriage and straight after they had to go back to work, sometimes to a very stressful job, there really is no public recognition of this very upsetting and sensitive issue, you try to carry on as normal as possible. Also you are advised to keep your pregnancy news a secret for the first 12 weeks, so the heartbreak of miscarriage makes it especially hard to tell people when they didn't know about your pregnancy in the first place. So how can i help you? First of all i want you to be as gentle as possible with yourselves. How can you be expected to close this wound at work and at home if you have other children to deal with and open it at a suitable time? The simple answer,.. you can't..grief doesn't work like that.This is what i help you with,when your in this place of pain and turmoil, when you need to share your grief, when you need help with the self blame, when you need someone to listen... I help you to process all these emotions and allow you to grieve and cry, and include your baby very much in this process,in the medical world there is no time for this,i've heard of women get this news delivered to them very quickly and then they just have to get up and go home. I help you to work through this pain and in time to get your body and mind stronger for when your ready to try again. Please private message me here and i will talk to you. I invite you to share this post if any of your friends or family are in need of help or support. Ann x

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Wishing each and every one of you a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas.A big thank you to all who support my page.To my new mums enjoy your first Christmas with your little bundles of joy and to all my mums to be, enjoy your last Christmas together as a couple.Love and good wishes to all, and enjoy every moment of the coming days with loved ones.Life is precious.Ann x

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For any of you struggling with fertility, you may be feeling overwhelmed & stressed.It can be a very painful time and for so many different reasons. I see a lot of women beating themselves up with negative thoughts of uncertainty, frustration, guilt, anger, sadness.... the list is endless.It pains me to see women sitting in front of me in tears of frustration. Why? Because I am so passionate about this subject.There is help, and I am here to work through these emotions with you. I give you the time & space to talk where you will feel a lot more positive & supported.I am here to help you. Maybe you have an event coming up, a family wedding where one of your family members are pregnant, or maybe a work colleague & you feel like you just can't cope.We can work through this together. How can I help you on your journey to motherhood? I make simple but very effective changes to your lifestyle, through a specialized Reflexology for Fertility,some diet & nutritional changes and lots of positivity. Christmas can be an especially challenging time. Be very gentle with yourself during this holiday season. If you would like to start the New year on my Fertility program, please private message me here & I will talk to you. I invite you to share this post if any of your friends or family are struggling with fertility and in need of some help & support. Ann x

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BellyBelly - Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting


BellyBelly - Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting

Power of Positivity

For all our wonderful mums,or maybe your a mum and do all this yourself.Have a wonderful evening,i hope your getting time to put your feet up.Ann x

Power of Positivity

Don't allow situations to control you.Everyone feels like this from time to time.Rise above it.Have a great Sunday everyone.Ann x


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