Selskar College school bank in association with the Bank Of Ireland. Every Thursday from 11:00 to 11:30 in the GP area
Run by:
5th Years
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facebook.comHey guys Bank is open tomorrow ☺️☺️ in the gp from 11-11:30 😄😄 for anyone who took application forms don't forget your €5 ☺️☺️ hope to see many opening new accounts Thanks guys ☺️☺️☺️😊
Hey guys just letting everyone know there is a little bit of a change this week ☺️ the bank will be on tomorrow (Wednesday 3rd Feb )☺️☺️
The school bank will be open tomorrow from 11-11:30 in the G.P. area. You can open a new account with just €5 and that will stay in your account. You can also lodge money into an existing account just bring in money and your card and we will put it in your account for you :) There will be a cupcake for everyone that sets up a new account :) We look forward to seeing you all there :)