This is a facebook page to make people aware of my web-site where you can check out my new and exciting Panto Scripts, they are fresh, fun and Irish.
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Best of luck to our friends in Cahir when they open their run of "Puss In Boots" tomorrow night. Have a great run guys!
Tonight it's the turn of Roundwood Variety Group, County Wicklow to open their version of "Snow White and the Babes in the Wood". Break a leg guys! That means there will be three versions of this script being performed tonight.
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Best of luck to all the team in Ferns who open tonight. I'm sure they are having a blast with this one! Enjoy the run guys.
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Best of luck to our Friends in Egglescliffe with their run of "Snow White and the Babes in the Wood" this week. Enjoy the run!
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Later this month the ever popular Snow White and the Babes in the Wood will be arriving in Ferns.
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And tomorrow night in Wexford town an new and original script will be unveiled as Wexford Pantomime Society present the world premiere of "Beauty and the Beast - The Panto" written by Thomas O'Leary.
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Our friends in Cahir are bringing our Puss in Boots script back to life next month.
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Panto season is here! This is what Roundwood Co. Wicklow are offering this year
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Loving this poster for Snow White and the Babes in the Wood that is coming up in Egglescliffe next year. Super!
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Break a leg to all the TY Students in the Presentation Secondary School Wexford. They begin their run of Snow White and the Babes in the Wood today. Have fun!
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Got some lovely photos of StageWorks Performance School in Henley on Thames and their production of Peter Pan -The Panto. Well done gang!
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Peter Pan looking good in Scotland!