Body Right Clinic
Body Right Clinic offers a "hands on" treatment for many conditions, usually as a result of muscle dysfunction such as minor soft tissue injuries.
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Protect yourself from slipping in Ice with this simple device.
Sciatic pain can be caused buy a number of factors, the most common being inflamed or bulging discs. The injured disc irritates or compresses the nerve sending pain down the leg. Treating the affected muscles is often ineffective because the heightened nerve sensation wont allow the muscle to relax. At the BodyRight clinic I use Frequency Specific Micro Current to reduce the inflammation in the nerve and discs which in turn makes it easier to treat the associated muscles. Once the pain is gone it is important to consider exercises to correct imbalances which may exist in the muscles.
Great to hear a doctor speak the truth!! Lifestyle changes are far more effective than medicating in many cases. Is the lid about to be lifted on the cholesterol myth??
I see lots of people suffering from shoulder pain. In most cases shoulder pain is not a shoulder problem. Shortness in associated muscles such as the Lats and/or the Pecs can cause restriction in the shoulder resulting in pain. Trigger points in these muscles can cause contraction and shortness in the muscle as well as referred pain.
Could over exposure to fluoride be causing your pain? I'm seeing more and more evidence suggesting that over exposure to fluoride is contributing to chronic problems such as asthma and musculoskeletal pain. In Ireland not only is our water contaminated with this neurotoxin but most of the tea we drink contain high levels of fluoride too!
I know this is not the most attractive subject but......... I see many people in my practice who have nail fungus. Up to 10% of Irish adults may have nail fungus. Personally I think you should take it more serious that just seeing it as only having "yellow nails" . Here's a website with more info and a solution to nail fungus.
Clever little Girl!
Improving your mobility - Harvard Health
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Are your headaches caused by Trigger points?? Myofascial trigger points are an extremely common cause of pain. Trigger points are painful when pressed on, cause a shortening of the muscle fibers, and can refer pain to a different area. The picture below shows common trigger referral patterns in the head. The X represents the locations of trigger points and the red are the areas where the trigger points refer pain to.