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Ultra Performance

6 cross roads business park, Waterford, Ireland
Outdoor, Recreation & Fitness




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🔴Tired?🔴 Bloated?🔴 Low confidence? All common aspects with people when training. Just after 3 weeks this client's pushed through the barriers required to achieve more in training and energy levels. 🔴we provide Quality over Quantity ⚫ #training #transformation #gym #beenbetter #ultraperformance

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Ultra Performance would like to welcome Rachel to the team. Rachel has 4 years in Exercise and health sciences in the WIT. 🔴 Reps Ireland qualification in PT fitness instructor. 🔴Playing for Wexford youths for the past 6 years! 🔴Getting to champions league knock out stages twice in that time. I hope everybody is looking forward to working with Rachel in the upcoming week. #ultraperformance #gym #progrrss #training #biggerandbetter

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EAT SLEEP TRAIN REPEAT ? That's what they say right? Rest and recovery tips for rest and recovery however to techniques and actions taken to maximize your body’s repair. 🔴These include hydration, nutrition, posture, heat, ice, stretching, self-myofascial release (foam rolling), stress management, compression. 🔴Recovery involves chemical and hormonal balance, nervous system repair, mental state, food intake and more. 🔴 Muscles recover is the quickest because they receive direct blood flow. But can be longer due to susceptible to overtraining stress 🔴So get your sleep and nutrition 💯% and you will see better results and performance 💪✔#training #gym #sleep #results #performance #weightloss #musclemass #ultraperformance

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🔴If it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you 🔴 Pictures speak for themselves 🤗✔ Food + 4 training sessions ✔ = change of lifestyle and confidence 👊✔ So If you want to take that step to change your mood, lifestyle, training, confidence, and food then get in touch with us Ultra Performance

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🔴So after one month of been open its been great and I would like to thank all members @UltraPerformance 😄 ,it's been a whirlwind of a first month for me with plenty of ups and downs on the scales but in the end all clients leaving happy with results they set out to achieve! 💪 ⚫I can't wait to see what the next month has in store @Ultra Performance as we grow and help our clients get to where they want to be. 🔴If you want to join this journey get in touch for a free consultation.

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New life✔..New Change✔..New Man✔ 😃👌 ⚫4hrs a week training ✔ ⚫Clean eating ✔ (not starving yourself) If you want a lifestyle change to become healthier get in touch Ultra Performance Contact: 0877770052 Rob

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🔴Want to be lean? Train 4 hours a week🔴 Training hard and working hard with food preparation always pays off✔ Many people train for hours/weekly/ monthly and see no results🤔 WHY??????? NO BASICS❌ of food or training concepts. Want to get the basics right learn and built a foundation, achieve results in weeks and NOT months get in touch. For more information contact me@ Rob:0877770052 #UltraPerformance

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Ultra Performance's cover photo

Ultra Performance's cover photo

Captured by Kennedy

Great photoshoot from Mark Kennedy look forward to seen the up coming ones.

Captured by Kennedy

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🔴WANT TO LOSE bodyfat - weight and get in shape???🔴 ⚫Come train for as much as €7.25 in a private based gym with 1-4 people and 1 coach ⚫ Train 1-4 times a week with a nutritional plan and get some results⤵⤵💪

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Captured by Kennedy

Captured by Kennedy

Diet Sodas Make You Fatter - STRENGTH SENSEI

Simple = that's the answer to it all 👌✔


NEAR Ultra Performance