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facebook.com2lbs of round mince only 9 euro 10 meatballs only 3.80 5 pork chops only 5 euro 30% off roast pork
Protein pack only 20 euro 1lb of turkey mince 1lb of round steak mince 4 turkey burgers or chicken burgers 4 chicken fillets or 1lb of chicken mince Mix & match any 4 items
2lbs of rib steak mince only 5.50 Round steak only 9.50 per kg Back bacon only 5.50 per kg
Orders now being taken for free range geese turkey's ducks spiced beef Farm fresh turkey's turkey breast homemade stuffing sausage meat and hams Wishing all our customers a very happy xmas
3 chicken kievs or marylands only 4 euro 2lbs of diced steak only 9 euro orders now been taken for xmas free range turkeys geese ducks
2 duck breasts only 9 euro 10 meatballs only 3.80 bacon ribs only 6 euro per kg
25% off roast beef back bacon joints only 5.50 per kg stuffed pork steak only 5.50 plain pork steak only 4.50
3 chicken marylands or kievs only 4 euro 5 pork chops only 5 euro 1kg bag of chicken goujons only 8 euro
3 chicken wraps cajun & salsa or tikka only 4.50 sausage rolls only 6 euro per kg ideal for back to school lunch try our new chicken breast burgers 97% protein & gluten free
turkey joints only 10 euro per kg four marinated pork chops only 5 euro 6 pork & apple burgers only 5 euro
low salt back bacon only 5.50 per kg large stuffed chicken or boned & rolled chicken only 8 euro large selection of gluten free products in stock
3 chicken marylands or kievs only 4 euro chicken stirfry only 9 euro per kg large free range and organic chickens in stock