Coco's Creche & Preschool
Cajring for you children needs for 20 years
Enroll for your free childcare places ECCE and CETS. Contact Jill O'Donnell We cater for children from 6 months - 10 years
We also run summer camps for the hols
Contact Jill O'Donnell
Tell your friends
facebook.comParents we are closed tomorrow Tuesday 17th October as all schools for the health and safety of children open again Wednesday 18th see you then
Due to the storm that is forecast and for the safety of our children and staff we will be closed tomorrow Monday October 16th.Stay safe everyone. 💨🌬
Stay safe
Some photos of our fun day 😀
Some very proud children with their medal, some got their first 🏅🏅🏅great day
Today we had our Sports Day activities just a few photos of the fun 😀😀😀
Happy Easter to all the children & Parents 🐣🐣😀😀