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Nutrifit for Women, Tralee

2 A Princess Street, Tralee, Ireland
Gym/Physical Fitness Center



The Nutrifit for Women  workout combines circuit training with cardiovascular fitness, toning exercises and stretching.  Fun, Fast Fitness & Professional Nutrition Advice

We offer an exercise programme designed for women. We offer  consultations, Nutritional Advice, Continuous support from our trained staff, Student Friendly hours, All ages & levels of fitness, Monthly weight and measurements.


The Nutrifit workout combines Strength Training with Cardio Activity and Stretching.

Create lean muscle not bulk, raise your metabolism, burn more fat and tone your body.



Good morning all and Happy Friday the 13 th !! Remember today is a day like any other day and it made me think about how often in the past and maybe still do fear certain situations and often have a whole scenario built up in my head -that often never happens -but in my anxiety and overthinking I take the good out of the situation-This is so true when we are all exposed to situations with extra temptations of food and drink-and before we even set foot in the door in our heads we have eaten everything in sight and consumed so much food and alcohol we believe we have gained a dress size in 1 day!! Remember we become what we believe -so on this Friday the 13th -believe in only good things happening and enjoy your day --Majella x

Good morning all -we have all heard we are what we eat but it was never so true in the modern world we live in that what passes our lips on a daily basis is either nourishing our bodies and allowing us to live a healthy and fulfilled life or its so toxic or sugar laden that is adding fuel to a festering disease growing within us ... You choose....The reality is we all need to look at labels -learn how to read them -can you pronounce the ingredients-do you know what they are -would you feed these foods to your children or to a beloved pet.. That may sound funny but in essence anything that is processed potentially had its shelf life extended-it's taste enhanced so that we as the consumer will most certainly become addicted to it and want more.....So please just be careful-be mindful -be aware of anything that has a string of unpronounceable ingredients -and remember when in doubt leave it out ( of your shopping trolley and mouth) Have a good day, Majella x

Good morning all-With time I have certainly become more in tune with how my body works and I know for a fact we cannot function correctly or at our optimum without water-That being said i often forget this -drink too much coffee-less water and then am wondering why I'm craving more food and not good food .. the dehydration mimics the feeling of hunger so let's face it we are more familiar with hunger than thirst so we'll choose food not water.. Big mistake!! Please do not think diet no calorie drinks are the same -the only commonality they have is zero calories and then they are complete polar opposites after that -Drinking water not only quenches thirst-it keeps you fuller for longer -staves off hunger pangs -detoxifies your body and sustains life---So make that modest H2O your constant companion-Have a good day,Majellax

Good morning all-So often when I speak with clients and they complain about bloating often their problem is that in the crazy world we live in where speed is everything this too is part of how we eat and chew food or not chew food ... We should chew each bite about 30 times -I bet there is not 1 of you reading this that does that -if you do not do this and gulp the food down and wash it down with liquid the digestive enzymes in your mouth don't work as efficiently as they should and as this is where most carbohydrates are broken down if that step does not happen-when the food goes into your stomach the acid there is not strong enough nor equipped to do that and this leads to bloating and also weight gain !!! So SLOW DOWN -CHEW -SWALLOW-REPEAT-and see how you eat less -how your more relaxed and how you are aware of what you are eating.. Have a good day, Majella x

Good morning all -We are all wishing for routine to be restored now that the kids are back in school again .. How many of you feel that you have been derailed over the last few weeks -less routine/more chocolate/more eating out and late nite eating and drinking and less outdoor activities due to our inclement weather---I sense a feeling of general malaise among people as we have all of this bringing us down and I certainly feel the weather or lack of good weather has a huge impact on our general well being and can often zap our energy and enthusiasm-Just as I say not to let anyone steel your energy we must all not let the weather prevent us from making the best of each and every day -I challenge you all start today and work on the 24 hours you are living in -try your best and see how your consistency and sheer determination will pay off ...Remember the Summer is truly only a few months away !!! Have a great week ahead, Majella x

Good morning all and Happy Saturday-the first one of April-start something new today and set the goal to do it every Saturday for the next few months -Life is all about new experiences-and sometimes we are all stuck in a rut and are not always open to trying new things get out and just have fun --Enjoy your weekend, Majella x

Good morning all and Happy Friday-Too often we are so consumed by an event in our future that we overestimate what we can do in short term and underestimate what we can do in the long term ...and often if our short term goals are unrealistic and impractical we get frustrated and throw in the towel -so my wish for all of us with Summer approaching is to make everyday count-work on small consistent positive changes and see where that leads you--always keep looking forward in the direction you are going-Have a great weekend, Majella x

Good morning all -there was much discussion following my post yesterday-Quality over Quantity-This is true in all aspects of life not just food and exercise-and from my years of experience in this industry I truly believe who and what we surround ourselves with can either catapult you to the next level or crush you like an ant !!! So that's why when you are surrounded by like minded positive people you are empowered and motivated and determined to be the best that you can be-and that's why I'm proud that Nutrifit for Women is the place...So remember never compromise on Quality in any aspect of your life... Have a good day, Majella x

Good morning all-I recently overheard a conversation where the 2 ladies in question said they were always hungry and were spending up to2 hours a day exercising!! Alarm bells were buzzing in my head -and my first thought was there Quality/ Quantity ratio was totally imbalanced -For me if was obvious if they are always hungry the quality of what they were consuming was either poor quality -full of empty calories and they were not getting the correct balance of what we in the industry called Macros. .. which are Carbohydrates/ Proteins and Fats .As regards exercise less is more.. it is totally quality over quantity and the correct balance of cardio and resistance is key -my motto is it is much easier to watch what you eat rather than over exercise-So please look at your own food/ exercise regime and always strive for QUALITY over QUANTITY... Have a good day , Majella x

Good morning all-There is a universal lament about all the Easter Eggs that were consumed-all the alcohol drank and goodies that were indulged in over the weekend-to be honest I feel that the abundance of chocolate can weaken the most resilient among us -I am all for having treats but as too many of us know when we over consume the sugar laden goodies it ignites a demon inside of us that can be far more powerful than our willpower -The physiological side to this is that sugar is as addictive as any drug and what ever we put into our bodies our bodies crave -so this week we are all fighting those sugar cravings and are probably weaker and less resilient than normal -just remember drink lots of water -protein with all your meals and snacks-eat every 3/4 hours and just get rid of any temptation-I often melt the extra eggs and make chocolate biscuit cake -slice it and freeze it for another time -remember out of sight out of mind ...So take it day by day and remember you are in control of food not food in control of you!!Have a good day Majella x

Good morning all-A new month and the start of a new week can often make us look at what we have achieved recently and what we are aiming to achieve in the future...I honestly feel that the longer days -brighter skies-smell of flowers -fresher air and the sense that better things are around the corner are all important in lifting our spirits and rejuvenating our bodies and mind to want to do better -be better and feel better -Remember more action and less talk can make April Awesome rather Awlful -so on this Bank holiday Monday make the commitment to yourself to aim to improve by 1% each and every day ... and see how all those little changes can have a profound impact on every aspect of your life -Have a great Bank Holiday Monday and great month ahead Majella x

Good morning all and Happy Easter Sunday -I hope the Easter Bunny arrived and was kind to you all this year -Remember today is a day to have fun -chase the bunny -find the eggs and spend time with family -and whatever you do if you are going to have some Easter Egg just enjoy it -no guilt-no regrets and tomorrow is another day ....Enjoy your Easter Sunday Majella x


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