Tralee CDP
The Tralee Community Development Project is a centre established and funded through North East and West Kerry Development. The Tralee Community Development Project is a centre established and funded through North East and West Kerry Development.
The Tralee CDP has a lot to offer the entire community.It hosts a wide range of interesting courses and activities that are of great interest and value to the community at large.Not only are these courses a great way of learning and acquiring new skills,its also a great way to meet new people and get involved in the community.
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There are still a few places available on this course, starting next Monday 26th at 1.00 to 3.30pm. Ring the centre at 066 7120877 to apply.
Cycle Against Suicide Tralee SpinOff
Cycle Against Suicide Tralee SpinOff
SVP Castle St Tralee
Tralee Women's Resource Centre
Timeline Photos
Check our Notes section for more information on each course, and keep an eye out for further courses and activities.