Stepping Stones Childcare & Pre-School is Tralee's most recommended childcare service.
Open Monday - Friday 08:00 am - 06:00 pm Stepping Stones Childcare & Pre-School is Tralee's most recommended childcare service.
- Purpose Built Facility - Large Indoor/Outdoor Spaces - CCTV - Baby Room - Wobbler/Toddler Room - Junior Pre-School - Senior Pre-School - After-School and Summer Camps
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facebook.comThank you to Gosia from Kerry Geo Adventures who helped us conclude our Science Week with a fantastic geology lesson! Geology really does rock!
A busy and super fun Science Week in Junior & Senior Pre-School...
Excited for all of the exploration and experiments we'll be carrying out here at Stepping Stones during Science Week!
Happy Halloween from all of us! 🎃
Halloween displays...
Spooktacular fun at our Trick or Treat for Temple Street Halloween fancy dress party... Total raised so far €280!
Reminder to parents tomorrow is our Trick or Treat for Temple Street Halloween fancy dress party. Donations on the day welcome!
Our Hibernation Station...
Autumn displays...
Storm Ophelia created by Senior Pre-School...
We will reopen tomorrow Tuesday 17th October but at the delayed time of 10am. This is to allow us to perform a safety check of the building and to ensure all staff who travel into Tralee are able to do so. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause but maintaining the correct child to staff ratio is paramount for all children's safety. Thanks, see you all tomorrow.
We will be CLOSED tomorrow Monday 16th October following the status red weather warning issued for Co. Kerry by Met Éireann. Further update tomorrow relating to Tuesday 17th October. Thank you & stay safe!