The Bookshop
The Bookshop in Thomastown sells quality secondhand and antiquarian books. Please come in and browse. Some books of interest:
Ulysses by James Joyce. Shakespeare and Company. 1930. (11th edition)
Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis. Harcourt Brace and Company. 1922. (1st edition,1st issue, with errata).
The Bell edited by Sean O’Faolain. Issue 1. Vol. 1 . 1940 (1st edition with 1st publication of Stony Grey Soil (Patrick Kavanagh).
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. Samuel French. 1893 (1st edition)
Field Day Anthology of Irish Literature edited by Seamus Deane. W W Norton & Co Inc. 1991 (1st edition)
Women With Men by Richard Ford. Alfred Knopf. 1997. (1st
edition, signed by the author.
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