Birth doula and post-partum doula
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facebook.comPregnancy Yoga, in Yoganamara Yoga studio, Skerries, 6wk course
The Womb Whisperers: Why More More Pregnant Women Are Hiring Doulas
Michel Odent's 4 Tips To Ensure The Birth You Want - Mothering
Dr Michel Odent, wise man and hero
Sweet Clover Photography
Beautiful photography of a very special time for both parents and doulas
Trinity College Dublin
Please take the time to watch this short video - some important information regarding postpartum health issues and the silence surrounding them.
Every Pregnant Woman Should Get A Doula, Study Says | Broadly
What Does a Doula Do?
Doula? What's a Doula?
Birth Balls and Labor - How To Use Infographic
Birth Balls and their many uses😄
TEDxSingapore - Ginny Phang - Love, Breathe, Just Doula
A lovely TED talk by Singapore doula Ginny Phang.
Evidence Based Birth
A fantastic page and website for providing trustworthy, non-biased and current, evidence-based information on pregnancy and childbirth.
The Role of Doulas in Reducing the Primary Cesarean
This article refers to the American maternity services but carries an important message for all - the presence of a doula, working with the care team, can help reduce the risk of caesarean section.
10 things a birth doula wants you to know about having a baby