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Glanmire Counselling Services

, Riverstown, Ireland
Mental Health Service



Professional & Confidential counselling for issues such as abuse, trauma, relationships, addictions, depression, stress, bereavement etc. B.A. Counselling & Psychotherapy
Dip. Psychology
Cert. Mental Health
Mindfulness Coach
Suicide & Self Harm Crisis Intervention & Management (Trained in Pieta House Model)
Experienced with Adolescents
Fee Negotiable


This time of year can be really hard for a lot of people. Not everybody has the happy family that they may wish for, and when you are surrounded by images of happy smiling families it can be really isolating. It is also a very sad time of year for anyone who has lost someone they love, either through relationship breakdowns, emigration or death etc. This time of year can really connect us to the pain of loved ones that are missing or departed or to situations in our lives that are causing us unhappiness such as troubled relationships or addictions etc. You may feel that you are drowning in your emotions right now but remember everything passes, this season will pass, and tomorrow is a new day and with it will bring hope for better things to come. Ask yourself what is the kindest thing I can do for myself right now? What would make things better? Be gentle & kind to yourself, and seek support from others. You matter, your life matters, there is always someone who cares ❤

Beware of those with no empathy, they attack the gentlest of souls ❤

Good parenting advice 😊

# Happy Friday Everyone ❤

Such a beautiful message ❤️

Great new local support group for anyone who might be interested ❤️

This is so true ❤

Past abuse or trauma will continue to impact our lives until it has been resolved. Trauma is not always caused by the more obvious kinds of abuse such as physical or sexual. It can also be caused by more subtle forms of abuse such as emotional neglect, verbal insults, passive aggressive behaviour, or children only being loved conditionally. Every child needs to feel unconditional love and to feel safe in the world, when these are missing trauma results. Even the best intending parents can sometimes cause emotional trauma to their children through lack of awareness or difficult life circumstances. Common Symptoms of Unresolved Trauma or Abuse in Adults : • Problems in maintaining relationships • Overwhelming emotions • Urge to run away from situations, or fight against them, or an inability to take action (Flight, Fight or Freeze mode) • Feeling like something is wrong • Insomnia • Frequent illness or pain • Feeling unsafe or out of place • Fear of being abandoned • Difficulty concentrating or remembering things • Self destructive behaviours I am a fully qualified psychotherapist providing counselling for issues such as depression, addiction, abuse, trauma, bereavement, relationships and parenting etc. I am trained in Suicide & Self Harm Crisis Intervention & Management. Professional & Confidential. Fee Negotiable. Tel : 087 2371301 or check out my website for further information. Feel free to contact me with any questions.

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Best Wishes for a happy & peaceful new year to all ❤

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This time of year can be really hard for a lot of people. Not everybody has the happy family that they may wish for, and when you are surrounded by images of happy smiling families it can be really isolating. It is also a very sad time of year for anyone who has lost someone they love, either through relationship breakdowns, emigration or death etc. This time of year can really connect us to the pain of loved ones that are missing or departed or to situations in our lives that are causing us unhappiness such as troubled relationships or addictions etc. You may feel that you are drowning in your emotions right now but remember everything passes, this season will pass, and tomorrow is a new day and with it will bring hope for better things to come. Ask yourself what is the kindest thing I can do for myself right now? What would make things better? Be gentle & kind to yourself, and seek support from others. You matter, your life matters, there is always someone who cares.

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