We are a two centre foot care practice. We cover all aspects of foot care: corns, callus, ingrowing toe nails, diabetic feet, biomechanics, and so on. Starting in 2003 with our practice in Rush, Co Dublin, in 2006 Jill started the Ratoath practice in Co Meath. Currently there are two Podiatrists/Chiropodists employed. Both are fully qualified with Batchelor of Science degrees in Podiatric Medicine. We carry out routine Chiropody, (corns and callus reduction and nail cutting), but probably the more important part of our work is finding out why there is a problem in the first place and treating the cause, so that it can be fully resolved.
Jill Breivik is on the Minister's List of approved Chiropodists and may, therefore, treat people who have a Chiropody Card in her name. To get a Chiropody Card you must be over seventy and have a Medical Card. Application forms can be obtained from the Clinic in Rush or from your local GP clinic or Medical Centre.
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facebook.comBIG NEWS! I've just sold the Rush clinic to my good friend Amy Cronin. Amy and I started the practice together twelve years ago and now she is taking over. Many of my lovely Rush patients will remember Amy but for those who don't, she is going to take brilliant care of you. Today I finish there and on Monday she starts. Congratulations Amy and welcome!
HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! The clinics are closed now for the holiday but Ratoath will resume on Wednesday 30th March and Rush will reopen on Tuesday 5th April. If you want to make a booking or talk to us, ring the usual number (086 8787039) and leave a message.
Did you know there is no such thing as a shamrock? I didn't but read something about it today. Apparently, the little plants we stick in our buttonholes are various species of young clover. In fact pretty much any plant with trefoil leaves will do, and many have been used!
Paddy's Day on Thursday so we will be closed but Siobhan will be holding the fort in Ratoath on Friday☘
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. The clinics reopen tomorrow and we're looking forward to what 2016 will bring.