Joyce Hoofcare
JOYCE HOOFCARE serving the farmers of the West Of Ireland with an efficient and reliable hoofcare service
Large and small herds catered for
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facebook.comSunday funday in the wash bay🐮🐮
Very well worthwhile watching
The reindeers must be lame this year so Santa called in cow power
Wishing all my friends and clients a very Happy Christmas and New Year thanks for all the support and custom in 2017 looking forward to 2018 put the best hoof forward...🐄🐂🎄🎄🎄
Super views today but all eyes were needed on the road it would be a long way down to that water🐮🐮🐄🐄🐄🐟🐟
Was delighted to have met up with these enthusiastic level6 veterinary nurses from Westport CFE great to see such a great group with a strong interest in agriculture..#thefutureisbright🐂🐃🐄🐂🐃🐄