McCabe Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy and sports medicine clinic treating a wide variety of musculoskeletal and orthopaedic conditions serving the newbridge and surrounding area McCabe Physiotherapy is a new innovative Chartered Physiotherapy clinic in Newbridge, Co. Kildare.
Located in the heart of Kildare within the grounds of Orchard House at Newbridge Family Practice we offer free on site parking for your convenience and the premises is wheelchair accessible.
The physiotherapy profession is constantly evolving. The goal at McCabe Physiotherapy is to provide the most up to date evidenced based approach for each specific condition and empower the patient to manage their condition as independently as possible.
Whether you have sustained an injury during a simple fall at home or have been at the receiving end of high impact tackle on the field of play McCabe Physiotherapy will provide you with information, care and treatment required to get you back to your best physical condition.
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facebook.comMuscle and Motion
For anyone able to do this tough exercise (not me) here's a video as to why it's important to make sure you're doing it correctly.
Is Running on Pavement Risky?
Another article on running and different running surfaces
Box clever with Tendon Rehab and sleep your way to better health
Latest clinic newsletter out today.[UNIQID]
New study reveals how high-mileage running makes muscles and tendons more efficient
Something to contemplate during your long run. It turns out your muscles and tendons are actually very very softy whispering "thank you"
Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist
There is so much more to pain than a physical painful stimulus. For anyone with longstanding persistent pain have a look and see if you can relate to these concepts.
How Peak Eccentric Forces Reduce and Rehabilitate ACL Injuries - SimpliFaster
Nice article for coaches, physiotherapists or anyone returning from injury and why I choose the k box in clinic to rehabilitate following injury
Timeline Photos
It's nearly March. How are those New Years exercise plans coming along? You may have been nervous starting out but your 6 week couch25k programme could be nearing an end. So what's up next? #setgoals #finishline #movementasmedicine #exercise #physiotherapy #running #runforlife #habitsofhealth
British Journal of Sports Medicine (BJSM)
So often people with back pain present to the clinic with this story having been told it by their doctor or consultant. The language health professionals use to patients is so important. Have a watch and see what you think. What if you were told you had the spine of a 70 year old? How would it impact you or make you feel about your back pain. Peter O'Sullivan nails it!
Timeline Photos
2 roads diverged in a woods...Take the road less travelled and head directly for physiotherapy for musculoskeletal problems and save money #physionewbridge #mccabephysiotherapy #backpain #physio #choosephysio #mskinjuries
Trust me, I'm a Physiotherapist
The back is designed to bend, even if there is some "wear and tear"!!
ACL rehab close to return to play. The grunt says it all #GAA #aclrecovery #kbox #physiotherapy #physio #newbridge #strengthtraining
Photos from McCabe Physiotherapy's post
GAA player undergoing return to play rehab following ACL reconstruction. Focus of today: landing mechanics and deceleration (under fatigued condition thanks to the #kbox )