"Paintworx" is a small business company specialising in residential and commercial interior and exterior painting and decorating.
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facebook.comPainting and wallpapering works carried in house before Christmas 2017 in Straffan. Thanks to Quirc Interior Design providing quality paints and wallpaper.
Renovated kitchen and dining area. Farrow & Ball paints were used for walls and kitchen cabinets. Amazing worktop supplied by The Worktop Workshop Co. Meath.
Renovation of St. John's Baptist Church in Hacketstown, Co. Carlow is now completed. It was challenging and patience required task which we completed in 3 weeks.
We started our current project at St. John's church of Ireland in Hacketstown, Co Carlow. Someone put their passion in building the church few hundred years ago and now we are putting our care and love to every detail. Photos will follow in due course.
A cupboard received "permanent makeup" and became well looking project. There were coat of primer, coat of undercoat and two coats of finish paint used to achieve long lasting result. Old colour of cupboard was cream, new colour - a shade of grey.
A house in Celbridge was painted for the first time since it was build. Walls and chimneys are finished with Dulux Weathershield "Olive garden", window arches "Pure white" windowsills and plinth "Deep olivine"
4 bedroom house refurbished recently in Clane. Variety of calm colours used to make home environment cosy. "Zoffany" paints provided by Quirc interior design - Wardrobes and kitchen units spray painted, wooden bed frame painted in "Arctic White" (Colortrend) water based eggshell. Doors, skirting, architraves and banisters painted with waterbased paint eggshell. Pleasure to see faces of happy family.
Further to the shades of grey: kitchen repainted in Lucan. Ceiling white, walls Dulux washable matt "Calm cloud", doors, skirting and radiator - gloss white.
Hall, stairs and landing repainted in Ratoath. Elite emulsion of "Zoffany" brand provided by
Photos from Paintworx's post
Two bedroom apartments in Straffan refurbished recently. Elegant colours in matt finish used on walls and eggshell satin used on woodwork.
Photos from Paintworx's post
Office refurbished recently at Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole. Wall in boardroom was painted with​ white wallboard paint which creates functional writing surface. Ceilings and walls painted in white (vinyl matt finish) to create light and space.
Photos from Paintworx's post
Hall, stairs and landing refurbished in Newbridge recently. Ceiling white matt, walls Dulux Moda series "Frosted fig" (matt). Newly installed wood panels, radiator covers and cabinets painted with Dulux "Original cream" together with banister. Attention to details led to great finish of work.