The Hatchery
Nenagh Baptist Church @
The Hatchery
Nenagh Baptist Church, Constituted: 13/09/2014
Just as our premises was originally built for the purpose of hatching chickens similarly our desire for this place is to arouse Spiritual New Birth through Jesus Christ! Nenagh Baptist Church @
The Hatchery
Nenagh Baptist Church, Constituted: 13/09/2014
Just as our premises was originally built for the purpose of hatching chickens similarly our desire for this place is to arouse Spiritual New Birth through Jesus Christ!
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facebook.comThat's My King.I wonder Do you know him Today? Enjoy
Join us for Easter Service this Sunday. Pilot couldn’t find any fault in Him. The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree. Herod couldn’t kill Him. Death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him. That’s my King.
During this Holy Week use this lovely song to meditate and help you focus on the Cross." Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"The lyrics, which dwell on the theme of divine grace, are based on 1 Samuel 7:12, in which the prophet Samuel raises a stone as a monument, saying, "The Lord has helped us this far." (NIV). The English transliteration of the name Samuel gives to the stone is Ebenezer, meaning Stone of Help.
One for your Diary this week! The Hatchery Good Friday Service 30th of March at 7,pm. Coffee ,cake and a chat afterwards , Invite a friend to come along.
Tuesday at 11:am
Study!fascinating journey behind all the different names Jews and Christians have referred to their creator throughout the centuries, and more importantly, why! enjoy
See you this Sunday
Ever wondered where the Hatchery /Nenagh Baptist Church is ?